What Are We Supposed to Do When We Do Never Forgetting?

All kinds of 9/11 remembrances are being pronounced everywhere today, as they always are on September 11ths. Today it seems I'm seeing quite a few more "Never Forget"s everywhere, might be just because I'm noticing them more. And they are everywhere , on just about every web page, on my Twitter feed everyone is posting pics of the twin towers with those words -- I'm even seeing them outside of churches, and they're likely inside when they mention it in their services. I think about that. "Never Forget." Why? I mean, thinking about what happened and praying for the families and working hard for very good things for everyone all around is a very good thing, but I wonder. Does "Never Forget"ing mean actually looking closely at what actually happened on that day, and why? One of the things the operatives who arranged it did was catastrophize the imagination . It is one of the weapons in the arsenal of human sacrifice activity -- keeping the pop...