What Is It That She Really Wants?

I am fascinated by the attention Cindy Sheehan is getting. I'm not surprised, because she is the perfect tetherball for both armies in the culture war to slap around the pole. I am reticent to blog about it for fear of getting sucked in myself. I offer just a few additional thoughts on it, only because I believe no one, the least of whom is Mrs. Sheehan herself, knows what it is exactly she wants. In fact I don't believe anyone who is on one side or the other knows exactly what they want.

I noted the other day that she wore a t-shirt with "I want the truth" above a peace sign. Does she really want the truth? My conjecture, and please correct me if I'm way off here, is that the truth she wants is to get her grief assuaged after a good scolding of George Bush. She's literally expecting some sort of cathartically emotional massage afterwards. As such, maybe it would be good for her to give Bush a thorough "what's what," because then she will get her truth: the profound realization that whatever she says will mean squat, that after any sort of purging she'd be precisely where she started.

Maybe at that point she'll actually see The Truth.

Later I caught the blogged message she offered to the bloodhou-- er-- media, who gobbled it up like giblets and gravy, in which she declared that it wasn't about her but it was about the war. I must say that, yes, quite a bit of truth is here. It is about the war. It is about the war each of us wages in our hearts against one another, a brutal conflagration without which there would be no other wars. None in Iraq, none in Sudan, none in Sri Lanka, none anywhere else. So...

Yes Mrs. Sheehan! You go after The War! You tell the Peacemaker to use the only diplomacy that ever worked, the Son of God dying for you to end your war--and then-- you go girl!-- then you go tell the world about this Peacemaker and what He did. And what He does.

And what He will do to take out all wars forever.

But be careful. Because when He takes out all war, those who wage it will go with it.

And it's not just George Bush who's in trouble.

For a bit more on the culture war, visit here.


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