Hugo Chavez, Cain Wanna-Be Extraordinaire

This week Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez wowed the world by speaking at the United Nations and referring to George Bush as the devil more than a few times. Aside from demonstrating his devout Catholic faith by crossing himself when he said it, he recommended we all read Noam Chomsky's "Hegemony or Survival" so we can better understand the world as it really works.

The reaction of all who say anything that gets heard says tons about the vast culture war. All the clamor invariably breaks down into two distinct voices. One group, those in the pro-Chavez/Chomsky camp, will screech about how evil George Bush is for wanting to take over the world and how much we need to rise up to stop it. The other group, those in the pro-glories of western civilization camp, will zealously deny that this is what Bush et al have done, and that they are merely fulfilling their God-given duty to defend righteously rational interests.

What is so amazing is that, shazam!--both are right! The problem is that they are all part of the pandemic rage, each tribe riding behind their own blazing, speeding locomotive headed straight for the other tribe's that will end in a train wreck which is the end of the world. Are you on one of those trains, and what will be of you at that time?

Funny, Chomsky's book shot to No. 1 at Amazon after Chavez' theatrics. A lot of people apparently want to know what he said in it. Ooo. Is American seeking world domination? Ooo. Is the U.S. really just as much of a terrorist? Ooo-ooo. Inquiring minds want to know.

Nah. Foolish minds just want to stay glued to the soap opera. If they really wanted to know they'd check out the one book that would tell them what's going on.

The Bible.

Of course America is working to dominate the world. It must do so, simply because there are so many sinners who do wicked things. It's a pretty good thing then that it is there to whack evildoers, crack some heads-- it's what it does. Only people like Chomsky seem to feel that there really is no sin among us except that in those they relish censuring, like George Bush. So when they presume they have no sin, at least sin they can't rationalize away, they resist and rebel and roil against the justified actions of Cain. Ouch, that can be painful.

Furthermore, America especially likes it when blowhards like Hugo Chavez enlist whole nations to stand up and challenge it, because then America can kick ass with its arsenal of seven-fold power. It doesn't go too far in its prosecutorial activity because (a) it likes to have people keep on believing they can rebel against it--Chavez and his crew probably got a nice buzz after the U.N. appearance, but Cain Wanna-Be's have been doing what he did for millennia-- and (b) God won't let it, as Cain will always move to become too powerful. (Remember the Tower of Babel? The fate of Nebuchadnezzar?)

So you've got the Awright-you-go!-Hugo-Chavez-you-rally-the-faithful-selfists-to-fix-the-world! crowd. Then there are those who rally behind the American crusade, many of whom are wholesome church-going evangelical-minded patriotic Americans and "God-Bless-America- righteousness-rides-on-a-horse-called-Jesus-and-the-Christian-nation!" They rush right into condemnation by praising the hegemony as if it is doing God's work. Well, it is in some way doing God's work, but it is a work of judgment, not mercy. Whoa. No wonder so many seriously question-- even justifiably revile the motives and designs of smiling Christians coming around the corner.

Here's the phenomenal thing: the Bible clearly tells us what to do to be freed from this body of death. Very few seem to know, much less say anything about it. Well, Jesus said the road was narrow, so, gotta figure... Anyway, that thing is

Get out.

Get out of the World and ask Jesus to take you into the Kingdom. No, no, not the Jesus of the Glorious Cause. Not the Jesus of the Righteous Crusade.

No, the Jesus of the Bible.

Think you're not in the World? Do you work for an incorporated entity that demands you register with the government as one who has tax liability? Do you have a Social Security account that puts your care in the hands of Caesar? Do you attend a church that is a 501c3 non-profit organization? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you're a commissioned officer vibrantly engaged in culture war combat. Virtually every Romanist and every Selfist is immersed in His Majesty's military service.

How do you get out? To know for sure, read Scripture. And ask Jesus to tell you about Him and listen to what He says.

Some thoughts about being in the World are here.


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