A Note on the Immigration Front

Just wanted to make a quick note about my last post from two days ago. I thought that the referenced immigration bill had already been passed by Congress. Apparently it has not been, and is now merely being considered. Keep in mind, however, that whatever bill is passed that is not about (a) completely sealing off the border and (b) deporting every illegal immigrant residing here now is still some form of letting everyone in who wants to come in.

I should also clarify something else. I intimated that the U.S. is actually impotent when it comes to true law enforcement, and that it will ultimately collapse just as Rome once did. When I speak this way, I am merely pointing out the less obvious but quite certain truths about the macropolitical maneuverings of the rulers of evil.

What even fewer people see is that even the U.S.--as was Rome itself-- is expendable with regards to the machinations the General executes to do his job. In other words, all the rigmarole about Iraq and immigration, whatever it is, is just window-dressing, really. People rant and rave about this or that injustice-- it's all fine playful frittering.

Whatever happens, strong forceful immigration bill or not, achieved stability in Iraq or not, the General will still mess with people's minds and hearts around the globe in thousands of different ways--even tossing aside the very hegemonies that seem so monolithic-- to keep them away from the one, single, solitary thing that would free them:

The One Person Who Loves Them.

Oh yes that One is Jesus Christ.

But be careful. The General knows this too well. He's got thousands of Jesuses at the ready for you to seek so you'll still be in his clutches.

Some of those Jesuses are here. And an idea of who "The General" is, is here.


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