"One Thing I'm Absolutely Not is an Absolutist"

A recent front page article in the Los Angeles Times featured the efforts of some in the pro-life camp who want to do away with all abortions completely once-and-for-all forever and ever in all cases.

They're called the absolutists in the abortion battle.

The perception of them is quite common: "Ooo, those evil absolutists, they always think in black-and-white terms about whatever it is they believe in. They're just a bunch of intolerant extremists."

Um, ahem, do you believe that, absolutely? Is this the extreme version of what you think about absolutism or just the pointless mealy-mouthed one we shouldn't pay any attention to?

The article speaks about the minority of pro-lifers who actively denounce the beaming endorsements of such government rulings as the upholding of the ban on partial-birth abortions. They do so for a number of reasons, among them the way the incrementalist approach still condemns thousands of babies to death, and the qualifications in those rulings that sustain other protections for murderers of unborn children.

While these things are very true-- they do indeed give a false impression of victory when babies are still slaughtered left and right-- what the anti-incrementalist voice doesn't understand is that

They too try to use the World's ways to stop abortion, and they too will ultimately fail in their efforts to save babies.

In other words, because they enlist the services of World devices, most notably the 501c3 non-profit incorporation, they proclaim themselves as just as much a part of the World that engages in the human sacrifice they so decry. When they do this, they effectively emasculate themselves in accomplishing what would get them to their goal:

No abortions ever for anyone.

As it is, the World marginalizes them as absolutist extremists, and whether they are or not, they are still portrayed as mean narrow-minded busy-bodies. And even if they did happen to do more than the incrementalists, let's say they cut the abortion rate from 21 per 1,000 births to 15, while the incrementalists get it to only 17, then what of it?

The incrementalist will cheer "Hey, we saved 4 babies! Woo-hoo!" But the absolutists can't exactly cheer the 6 they saved because their whole approach was zero to begin with.

Yes, yes, it should be zero. No babies ever aborted ever. Period.

But how do you accomplish that?

Think first about the new strategies the pro-lifers today are working on. Look at them, there at the end of the article. (These are the latest offerings of the incrementalists, by the way.) One, have laws that require women to be told how a fetus dies during an abortion. Scare tactics are fine, but what do you do then with a scared, lonely woman? That's nice.

Two, get government to sponsor warnings that abortions cause psychological harm. They need to be told this? I just don't think so. This'll help neither the ones who are sociopathically numb to it anyway nor the ones who know all too well already. Pointless.

Three, mandate doctors report detailed demographic and medical information about patients to the state. Good, good. Lots of counting and keeping track of things. That's what government does very well. I think those very small children with their limbs yanked off will appreciate that indeed.

All these people committed whole-heartedly to state management of the abortion issue, absolutists and incrementalists alike, obviously haven't a tinker's arse of a clue as to what the actual thing is that would get rid of all the abortions, every one of 'em-- really truly actually.

How about this radical idea?

How about they all get introduced to the God who loves them so much that He'd rescue them right out of this body of death?

If the abortion-minded individual knew there was Someone who loved them so much that He died for them, then maybe she wouldn't get an abortion.

I know, radical idea. Radical. Or, oh, sorry-- yeah-- absolutist. Ooo. Extremist. Yow.

But see, if I were a child in the deepest comforts of my own mother's womb-- yeah, wow, here it comes...

I'd want an Absolutist Extremist on my side. Someone who'd absolutely extremely keep me from being murdered.

Yeah. Someone like Jesus Christ.

Or maybe even just someone who is His flesh and bones, just someone who does not abide in the World with all its laws and requirements and all that, but someone who very simply says they follow Him and actually believes it.

That's what'll give us all the babies, born to those who know Love. It's the only thing that will.

For a bit more on this and the idea of cobelligerency in the abortion issue, look here.


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