Some Items on Romanist Marketing

I want to point out a couple of items out there. If Christ has dropped the scales from your eyes and you can actually see the counterfeit from the real, these may actually be edifying. If not, they'll serve to drop you deeper into the World muck, but hey, that may actually be a good thing if you get tired of it and ask for a Hand out.

At the Los Angeles County Museum of Art over there on Wilshire Boulevard, there is a fantastic exhibit of Roman Catholic promotional pieces, brilliantly works of art designed to keep "New World" peoples in the System. They were commissioned from the time of Columbus to the early-19th century. Definitely check it out. (It goes until October 28, 2007.)

Over at the best apologetics radio show there is-- at least for now until there is one that actually is not a 501c3 and beholden to the World as Stand to Reason is-- host Greg Koukl interviewed fellow apologist and recent Roman Catholic convert Frank Beckwith about his "change of mind." Beckwith's rambling and often incoherent attempts to rationalize his decision go a long way in demonstrating that no matter how hard he tries, the devout Catholicist simply cannot use Law language to convince others that he is really a Grace and Truth person.

Anyway, you be the judge. It is here, at Stand to Reason's site. (The interview was on August 5, 2007, for those accessing this blog at a time well after it was originally posted and want to archive it.)


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