The World Racket Dilemma

As if we haven't heard it enough, for review, here's the AIG dilemma: Company does really stupid things, but it is too big to fail. Government rescues it with gobs of financial capital. Company's executives who did the really stupid things are also the only ones who can sort out the mess it's in. Said executives still expect to get what they consider is their fair compensation for services rendered. Million dollar bonuses ensue, as does righteous rage throughout America.

Yeah, uh-huh, that's just about it, right there.

What struck me was what a talk radio guy said yesterday morning, and it cracked me up--in kind of a bad way--simply because this is indeed the way the World Racket works. It is just so typical.

He said this whole thing is much like the suave, sophisticated terrorist who rigs an elaborate bomb to detonate and kill a lot of people. But once arrested, the authorities can't exactly prosecute him because, well, (you can see it coming, of course...)

He's the only one who knows how to diffuse the bomb.

Whaddya do with that?

On a major news network website I clicked on a story that detailed exactly why letting AIG collapse would be a very bad thing indeed. Yes yes we all know that AIG insures so many companies and that it is the parent company of so many companies that letting it fail would unravel the entire global economy. But in addressing the question why that would happen, the only thing the article could tell us was simply this.

So many people would just be too afraid.

Too afraid to work, too afraid to spend, too afraid to save, too afraid to invest, too afraid to do anything meaningful in the markets. And we certainly can't allow that to happen.

So now everyone is left there. Instead of being left with, "Oh, you're right, duh, we can't let AIG fail because they're too big, yeah," we're now left with, "Duh, yeah, we can't be too afraid. Shee, of course."

How come no one is asking this question:

Why, precisely, are we so afraid?

Could it be that it is true that liars reign and we just don't want to face that truth? Could it be that we're hoping with all our guts that Superman Barack Obama and his Justice League compatriots in Congress really get cracking and make it so we're not afraid anymore? Could it be that World inhabitants are so tied to the System of Institutionalized Deceit that they are forced to trust better liars to extricate them from their own deception?

See, if the answers to these questions are yes, then it does make perfect sense for people to be horribly afraid, and to completely avoid asking these questions.

One thing I thought about as I considered these things is why the Christian Church has absolutely nothing to say about any of this. Oh I'm sure some ministers blither about the economy, but cynical me, I tend to think for the most part they're just parroting the media's talking points.

My question is, why don't followers of Christ really know what's going on, speak articulately about it, and actually get people to understand?

I think it is simple. It is indeed something that is a core part of my premise about the Catholicist Nation--something you'd know if you've been following my work. I have to say I'm no one special. I think I just say what I see in Scripture, and then peek at reality out there, and it just seems to confirm it, that's all.

The reason very few followers of Christ can say anything meaningful to contrast the World with the Kingdom is because they are so tied to that World. Individuals are contracted tax agents, assemblies are incorporated to blindly shuffle in the steps of the System, the entire "Christian" nation is intractably beholden to the law that is the power of sin and kills.

So why is it that an institutionalized Catholicized 501c3 Christian cannot say anything meaningful about the World to draw people to Christ, the One Who Genuinely Frees?

The answer is that he is so much a part of the World that if he did, his own reprobation will become unraveled, and without the Rock Who is Christ to stand on, it would simply be too harrowing. We're left with whimpering frightened people--hundreds of millions of them with nothing but the most visceral despair covered in layers of sweet shimmering Obama frosting.

Hmm. Looks a lot like the AIG thing, don't you think?


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