Who Owns You? Part II

In my last post I shared some thoughts about the answer to the question, "Who owns you?" There are indeed a variety of answers to the question, but really only two that the World offers. Those two answers are so important to know because in many ways they are the fuel for the Culture War. Those two answers again are, "I own me" and "Others own some of me."

I thought I'd elaborate a bit on the extent to which government is involved in the mix, and there is just as much confusion about government as there is about the question.

The libertarian naturally has great disdain for government, yet even the most liberated individual utilizes the services of other individuals in some way. Because people are very prone to rotten behavior, that "transfer" of said services must be administered by government in some form. The classic error of libertarianism is the failure to accurately assess the degree of evildoing within each individual.

The utilitarian wants to enlist the strongest baddest meanest government to make sure they feel better when others are cared for. As often as possible it is dressed up with eloquent rationalizations. The classic failure of utilitarianism is that no matter how much they sing the praises of a democracy they can only accomplish what they want by enabling a tyrant.

The Jesuits capitalize on this with their extraordinarily deft capacity to convince all World inhabitants that there is only one government, namely whatever temporal material entity is available for allegience. It is always wrapped in grand mythologies and ample dosages of humanist indoctrination. After all, for so many there is only one governing entity, the one Cain was sent out to form at the beginning of mankind's history to prosecute rebellion with seven-fold strength.

Since this is Caesar's divinely assigned task, rebellion by libertarians is the Agency's very life blood. That the Culture War rages as violently as it does ensures Caesar's legitimacy for those who refuse to allow Christ to govern their affairs.

Which means, yes, there is another government.

Alas, you see the harrowing ramifications of "one government" belief in so many things going on today.

You see it in the battle waging in Arizona over immigration concerns. The System never lets on about what is really going on, which is why all that's left for an intractable controversy is the rank spiritual violence spewed about. It is no incidental fact that, at least in several photographs I've seen, those zealously fighting for the immigrants are waving or wearing rosary beads.

You see it in the elaborate casuistry employed by Barack Obama to convince people that he is the single government official who can effectively manage the value. It is true people who assign management of their value to him will worship him; what they don't understand is that it is all designed to sustain the standard practice of human sacrifice.

You see it in the rage expressed over a few city government officers (such as those in the small Los Angeles suburb of Bell) earning a bit more than the media say they should. Never mind that people pay other officials governing their affairs thousands of times that, officials at so many different levels including ecclessiastical (the Catholic Church and its 501c3 subdivisions are themselves astoundingly wealthy) and commercial (concern over executive pay always simmers for a bit but because of the labor required to manage the value of so many it is seen for what it is -- nothing).

Only those who've given their hearts and souls to Christ can see the two governments. They know they are under the authority of one they serve with humility and love with their very lives -- that's the Kingdom government. They accept that they are owned, not by themselves, not by others,

But by Him.

Owned outright, a slave among slaves with never a chance to be free. The twist is that one in Christ is a slave to the Spirit and because he is no longer a slave to sin, no longer burdened by the turgid law and arcane regulations that plainly signify its grip, he has true freedom and is an heir to all He joyfully wants to give him.

When I wrote in my latest home page piece about the ungrafted church doing the things that people really want in their lives, you know -- getting healed, being freed from the power of the devil, reveling in His boundless grace to life eternal -- I also mentioned moving mountains. I am always careful about writing that because it just seems that mountains don't get moved around all the time, even though Jesus said at one point that one with faith in Him would not only be able to move it but put it in the sea. Wow. That's major.

While I do believe that He did mean moving mountains literally (and on the last day you'll see stuff that'll make such events seems like kicking a pebble), I really think He wants us to be doing things now that are far more important.

I'm in the process of putting together a brief prospectus of my vision for what we'd see should the church decide to actually act on being ungrafted. The three key areas of blowing the world away with the Kingdom are education, media, and business. That is, people would truly know what it means to worship God in Spirit and in Truth, they would have the most beautiful glorious expression of that (even as it leads to tremendous persecution), and they would interact with one another at levels that would bring 100-fold abundance to communities.

That's the moving mountains effect.

But it can only materialize in communities that live ungrafted, 100% abandoned to Christ and, yes, you got it...

Living in His Government.

A few home page pieces ago I wrote a bit more on the reliance we all have on others in some way (and yes, that does involve government). That is here. I've also written about the ungrafted church, here.


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