What is Jamie Dimon Still Doing on the New York Fed Board?

This is the question I've heard a dozen times already. After being on the hook for a $2 billion trading loss, Dimon is taking the heat and many are getting nervous about his place in the highest reaches of the Ivory Tower.

What so many -- and by "so many" I mean just about everyone who likes having a bit of a return on their money, so that number is literally in the hundreds of millions World inhabitants around the globe -- what so many don't get is that

They've put him there, and have asked him to do precisely what he did.

Societe Generale bank president Daniel Bouton was in a very similar situation a number of years ago, when one of his traders did an "Oops" with a huge gob of other people's money -- whether phantom or real -- and he did all the mea culpa ad nausea silliness too. I wrote about it in this home page piece in my webzine, but I have a feeling not many read it.

Everyone is still doing it, sad. Everyone is still thinking they're okay from the wrath of a God who really doesn't like this kind of crap -- they're just a-okay... just as long as they feel that some important people are questioning this Dimon guy's role in the Fed.

Okay, just so long. Whew.

Gimme a break.

This was the image that greeted me when I looked at MSNBC's news site last night. I peek at it every once in a while, get an idea of what the World System wants me to be enraged at.

The irony here just gushes off the screen. At the top is the metaphor that "heads will roll" over the Chase loss, with just a bit underneath it the headline that headless (and hands-less and feet-less) bodies were found dumped off a little-used highway in Mexico.

And that picture. It is of graduates, many surely instructed in the finer ways of World System value extraction. It is surely unintentional, but note how their gaze is directed right at the Mexico headline, as if they're celebrating the real fruit of their future work.

They and the Chase execs reveling in the bounty of their dutiful labor. Those execs, they're getting a mere slap on the wrist, really, while the Mexican victims had a bit more happen to their wrists. The grads and the bankers, really not much different from the drug lords, together committing the quite necessary human sacrifice all who are without Christ must do.

Those enthusiastic college grads? They may say they are aghast at what these people did. They may say they're out to do this and that splendid thing in the world. But without Christ and with a full head of the most profound humanistic indoctrination, they will conquer the world, or at least keep the World's human sacrifice altars loaded up.

"What are you talking about?" I hear.

Yes, most don't really pay any attention. Christ is just whatever their imaginations dream up. He's just used to drum up support for their particular crusade, or cause, or little jaunt through their Wonderland. I've been peeking at a book Christianity After Religion by Diana Butler Bass. It is really nothing different from what millions of other boorish tomes say from those who like to have their own Jesus. Bass blithely rips a new asshole in anyone who says they truly know Christ and what He says, but she has no problem assembling a Jesus that fits her typically benighted view of reality.

Not a surprise. How many times in the New Testament, quoted by Jesus himself, does that verse from the sixth chapter of Isaiah appear. It's a lot of times, really -- simply that these people are utterly, utterly blind.

I happened to catch this from very respected financial pundit Amity Shlaes, to get back to the Chase incident. She was writing about the incessant debate about the merits of the Fed managing the value of our currency versus the merits of gold. Lessee, Fed or gold, Fed or gold... Errgh, World wonks can't stop blithering about it. Well, it's what they do. Anyway, Shlaes says some of the Fed stuff is good, some of the gold stuff is good, but that there are too many economists who too straight away dismiss the whole gold thing.

The fact is it doesn't really matter which one, because a world of liars, thieves, murderers, cheats like all the ones who in one breath want people like Dimon to get them theirs and in the next get mad at him for messing it up -- they all need one of them to constrain their shitty behavior. At least a little bit.

Too bad they just refuse to look at the third option. Or, excuse me, The Option.

Shlaes even says those who don't are "nuts."

Really, she does. Look for yourself. Here're her last words from her column "Gold Standard for All, from Nuts to Paul Krugman" (Bloomberg May 2 2012):

"If we are going to speak of consensus, let's not forget one that is truly universal: Our economic system stands a good chance of breakdown in coming years. The only way to limit damage from such a breakdown is to ready ourselves to choose other models by learning about them now. Not to do so would be nuts."

So how about this one, Amity Shlaes? How about measuring value of things by Jesus Christ? By His shed blood for you? By His overwhelming love for you? By His rule over the Kingdom filled with people who already know of that love, and want to give their lives themselves for you so you'd know of that too?

How about getting as many people as possible to richly understand and know of that? Having everyone in such a community understand and know Him (as He says Himself in the ninth chapter of Jeremiah?) And having as many people as possible joyfully labor for the abundant wealth of producing and sharing and sowing for one another in that love, so much so that the Fed is just a piddly men's club, gold is just shiny yellow rocks, and Jamie Dimon is a nice looking guy in a fancy suit?

What, are you nuts?


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