They Know Everything and You Can't Stop It

Tonight on the cable television I enjoyed a wonderful Looney Tunes cartoon featuring Sylvester the Cat trying to teach his reluctant son to chase, catch, and ::gulp:: eat a bird who was the boy's friend. It was really fun to watch, good belly-laughs throughout. Whatever happened to those marvelous Warner Bros cartoons... ::sigh::

I thought I'd then tune into CBS' FBI television show. I don't think I'd watched anything by a traditionally major network (ABC, NBC, CBS) for years, seriously. I thought I'd tune in just to see what these things are like nowadays.

I watched about 20 minutes of it and it was what I thought. Standard crime story about an attempt to stop terrorists but now involving a whole crew of young, hip, racially and sexually diverse FBI officers dutifully on the job.

Here's the difference from the old Mannix episodes I used to watch when I was a kid.

These guys could find out everything they needed to know about anyone with computer systems.

Any instance requiring instantaneous information acquisition, there was some clever Bureau gumshoe at the computer looking at a screen and -- voila -- there's what they need to know. About anybody or anything. Anytime anyway. In just about every scene they were looking at some screen -- cell phone, iPad, whatever. The conference room where they did most of their deliberating was dominated by computer monitors.

On my ZeroHedge look tonight I saw the headline of piece I didn't read, but knew of its substance. It was something like, "If the Fed starts a digitized currency, then they've got to do one thing for sure: Ensure privacy."

Right this moment I can hear it: the sudden rising crescendo of uproarious laughter in the studio laugh track at the funniest part of the sit-com.

Ahem. What did we all just see in TV-viewer-land happening on the splendid new FBI crime drama show?


Everything about you is known by law enforcement apparatchiks somewhere somehow right now.

Unless you drop everything and for the rest of your life you go dwell in an Antarctic cave living off wall-scrapings, you have no privacy.

In another ZeroHedge-like story I saw this observation, a good one. It was something like "The Great Reset people are angling for two key things to make it all work: a government-managed digitized currency (now often called CBDCs) and a digitized personal identification system.

The former is definitely something coming down the turnpike, the latter has been essentially given a trial run with the Covid thing. What must be kept in mind is that neither of these things can work most proficiently unless biometrics are involved, which means implants. Which means any and all kinds of sophisticated computer network surveillance contraptions of this or that newfangled sort.

But it'll be much easier for them and most everyone will be just fine with it. 

And now you've got those parts of the 13th chapter of The Revelation coming true.

Or, you could have Jesus.

That'd be really good right about now.


The image is one I'd had on file for some time now - it appears to have been clipped from the History channel or some other web location identified by a symbol looking like an "H." Thank you.



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