We Knew About Covid For Sure Years Ago

Today is May 12, and that was the date two years ago that --

We knew.

Any epidemiologically oriented individual with even an ounce of respect for truth, scientific acumen, data analysis skills, common sense, and deep appreciation for the economic considerations of the situation --


All the information was in for all of us to move forward leaving this brief Covid scare behind with the following strategy in mind. Everyone go back to work, go back to school, go back to life -- drop the mask-wearing and immediately cease abiding by any of all the other ludicrous lockdown nonsense.

For most people this thing had a 99.997% survival rate, a negligible difference from more common flus. As for the three higher risk groups: 

The elderly -- take care of them as best you can with the utmost care, mercy, attention -- including letting them spend time with their family, but realize that like anyone they will be passing away sometime soon. Thousands of elderly die every year from Covid-like illnesses and yes we'd all like that not to be that way, with the greatest science has to offer, but it is that way -- and we may still care for them and pour over them our overwhelming love.

The obese -- is it so wrong to encourage them to eat less and eat better? To exercise? To do any number of health and lifestyle things that would dramatically lower their risk factor? Every time I've brought this up with someone this is what I hear: "Well my sister has big bones." Every - single - time. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but that's what the accusation is, as if a few who have difficulty with working juuust a bit to not be in a high-risk group means every obese individual who can do better should be excused from their own responsibility at avoiding being adversely affected by any health-related consequences of their condition. 

The immunocompromised -- fine, let's really do the hard work of finding out exactly what it is that they must do to address those needs. Great. I've seen some considerations from some who know that the whole "Do you want the immunocompromised TO DIE because ALL THE REST OF US refuse to obey every lockdown absurdity there is?" is simply unreasonable much because the number of people who comprise the truly immunocompromised is far smaller than we're led to believe. Should we just dismiss them? No! But that may mean they are the ones who remain home and have the special arrangements for the best protection practices.

Otherwise everything for everyone else should have been as if the Covid lockdown things were never even in their reality. Every single day for the past two full years.

Could we have easily started doing that back on May 12 2020

Easily. It was Tuesday, just the right day of the week for us all to gather ourselves up and just go right back to normal. In the two or three weeks before that date the data was conclusive. Covid-19 was a bad, even a bit deadlier flu, but it simply was not something that required all the thoroughly destructive lockdown stuff that followed. There are dozens of different truth points in all of this that prove this, categorically and unequivocally. In fact just the other day there was a study released that demonstrated masks actually make the chances of being infected worse simply because of all the viral contaminants that more readily amass on the mask.

As it is, I'm still hearing news reports of cases rising here or there as if we must endure again all the same Orson-Welles-War-of-Worlds-radio-broadcast hysteria all over again -- and how much will we soon be expected to yet again do this or that ridiculous Covid thing. Oh my.

It is still going really good. Here in California, at least, no one may receive medical care unless you are masked and vaxxed. The medical profession of all things -- ::sigh:: -- still don't get it. Of course they are humans too, being browbeat into following inane public health declarations or they'll have some kind of punishment assessed against them.

Real quick, just some links to the things I wrote -- yes, not trying to brag or be a big-shot -- back just before May 12 two years ago. Those two blog posts pretty much say everything, even now what I would say about Covid now I'd already said then. See if you agree.

Here's the one called "The Tyranny of the Immunocompromised." Here's the other one, my last in a series "The Silence of the Lambs" (that people who truly know about Covid are being silenced) -- with an emphasis on the truth that there are a dozen other things far more important than "safety," especially in a world where showcased political mandarins think they can look so splendidly wonderful promising the most SAFETY by convincing you they will keep you from anything bad ever happening to you ever again especially some eeevil Covid bug no matter what the cost.

I saw a meme with a delightfully smiling Justin Trudeau, prime minister of Canada and lockdown totalitarianist extraordinaire: "We will keep Covid from getting you -- if we have to kill you to do it." Classic.

Otherwise, I'd like to reiterate one key point from those posts, one that cannot be emphatically underscored enough.

Everyone dies in the next minute.

So it'd be good to have the one who is Life. He is Life both now, and beyond that next minute. Go ahead, read about Him and that truth right there in the fifth chapter of the apostle John's first letter. Please, I urge you to read it. 

And have the Son.

After assembling this post I came across this piece from Joy Pullman over at The Federalist. One of hundreds I've seen that are excellent in exposing the clown world that is COVID. Thought I'd also add a link here to this home page piece from last year in my webzine, getting a bit more into the depths of the COVID hellscape, which, really, has been around for centuries. And for good measure, here's a Psalm about this exact thing, the 49th.

The image of Shanghai lockdown agents is from the PBS Newshour, from Reuters Pictures.


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