The Barbie Movie People Are Actually Doing Us All a Big Favor

Hey how about this anniversary! Another one! 100 years too! If we traditionally count the beginning of the school year as officially end of August, beginning of September, then juuust abouuut riiight abouuut now is the 100th anniversary to the day of the opening of the Frankfurt School, back then in 1923. The Frankfurter Schule, or sometimes Institute of Social Research, acclaimed for their robust promotion of Critical Theory All-Kinds-of-Things-Related-to-Establishing-Spiffy-Ways-to-Destroy-the-Evil-Oppressive-Hegemony-and-at-the-Same-Time-Sending-Millions-of-Souls-to-Hell-in-Doing-So, is indeed 100 years old right about now. Yay!

You can see much of the Frankfurt School's product in this massively popular movie that came out a couple weeks ago, Barbie, all about a Frankfurt School acolyte's vision of a real-life Barbie fantasy world -- really to make the point. The point is men need to turn it around and submit to the nicer kinder women running things for a while, and then things will be splendid. Not quite there yet because so much of the evil patriarchy is still in the way, but this movie'll help make it clear.

Give the matriarchy a chance!

To be honest we've kind of been doing that for a while, again thanks to the now marauding precepts of the Frankfurt School's curriculum, that anyone considered a victim of the older white male hegemonist has legitimate recourse now. And trust me, I do get it -- precisely why the Barbie movie is doing us a favor. It exposes this desire for freedom from the hegemony, which is actually a reality as embodied in the Roman Catholic Ecclesiocracy. The problem is you can only do three things with that hegemony.

One, be a card-carrying member and as such be an obsequiously servile part of the tyranny. You are more than welcome to kick ass from within the Ecclesiocracy against whatever bad things there are because Cain's Legacy is thriving today as much as it was the first day several millennia ago when it was put into motion as described in the fourth chapter of Genesis.

Two: Resist! Rebel! Revolt! Rage and rant and rail and reprove and remonstrate and do anything else mean and ferocious that starts with an "R"! The Frankfurt School people must be proud of the work Barbie does to showcase the success they've had to commandeer the channels of media to take the valiant rebellion right into the living room where kids are playing with their toys -- especially those horrifically victimized young ladies and their play dolls. Che Guevara Barbie! Wonder if they have any of those on the Toys 'R Us shelves?

Three, the one so few adopt. It is simple. Accept. The Roman Catholic Ecclesiocratic hegemony does what it does, it must -- leave it be. The only way that approach is meaningful is if men -- and women! -- are first on their knees praying, then standing up and getting out and speaking with conviction to those ravaged by this stuff, but doing so with inviting souls so they know they are about healing and salvation and fellowship and the most vibrant deliverance from the devil's grip.

The seething people leading the revolution against the hegemony-- oh my, how many have there been in history? What is this, the 89,219th I think it is? -- crusading for that special emotional high that you're doing something dammit! Over and over and over again, the provocation by the Ecclesiocracy in some new imaginative way -- gotta admit the Barbie movie is quite the spectacle -- then the expected enraged uprising, then the vicious pushback by a salivating horde of enforcers authorized to respond in kind.

It's all there, quite virulently rational -- look at a couple of pieces I'd like to direct your attention to in this blog post.

One is from Kurt Schlichter, one of the very best rabble-rousing pundits there is. This piece though hits the mark, and he sees the culture war for what it is. Society today has simply become, forgive me, but it is true, it has become too wussified. Too many Lysistrata-minded women have taken the controls of social policy and it is wreaking havoc on everything. What happens when profoundly afflicted young men start to really gather what is happening with all of it?

I caught this news item from Massachusetts this morning, public officials asking people to step it up and start taking care of the migrants. Didn't these people know this was going to happen, like, years ago? That unchecked, mismanaged immigration would blast a hole in the country's social infrastructure? Sorry, but a woman's compulsion to be compassionate and nurturing (a really very good thing when employed properly) cannot be wisely applied to the billion or so people who really want to make their way into our country. Hey, no one denies that it'd be nice if people in other benighted countries had better lives! But this... 

Thing is look at the image from the Twitter post. Four women front and center, with the few men marginalized -- off to the side, in the back. It is a perfect picture of today's world -- emasculated men ceding their moral authority to women who simply do not have the -- excuse me again -- the balls to think carefully about what they are doing in leadership roles they simply should not be holding.

Another piece is from Brandon Smith over at Alt-Market, posted at the ZeroHedge site. He too gets into it, very articulately describing the idiotic world in which we all find ourselves. I'd like to transcribe just one paragraph that shares a lot, quite exquisitely, about this whole wretched ill-feminized and sodomized hellscape.

Masculinity is now admonished as predatory and women are encouraged to treat male advances as a threat. The left is systematically de-sexualizing straight people. At the same time, they are hyper-sexualizing LGBT people to the point that Pride Parades are applauded for grotesque displays in the streets in front of children. Young straight men are entering into a dating world which tells them that if they have no interest in “trans women” they are bigoted and evil.

I have always wondered, really, how many men would really have even a thought of enjoying even one single minute of any kind of romantic interaction with a trans woman, a man who tries to be a woman? How many men really want to have any real interaction at all with Hedwig and his angry inch? How many men want to even remotely be in the situation Stephen Rea character's found himself in The Crying Game when he discovers the girl he thought he liked was really a guy? I'd say 99.999% of men would run a million MPH away from that. And the 0.001% who'd say they'd be okay with it are simply virtue-signaling about how much they don't want to be thought transphobic or homophobic or some other ugly epithet that keep all these people from acknowledging reality.

All this Barbie movie stuff is again absolutely destroying society, yet it is precisely designed to be doing that very thing for exactly the reason we see metastasizing before our very eyes. The culture war is getting hotter and hotter and there have already been legions of casualties -- real actual lives lost because of it. The drug overdoses, the suicides, racialist street murders, not to mention deaths from the pharma culture that includes the Covid vaccines -- and just wait until the green energy stuff gets really entrenched. I like how the left likes to talk about this genocide here and that genocide there -- just wait until the hifalutin climate change alarmists get their way.

The crazy thing about all this is that it is all biblical. You can read about every single thing here happening in Scripture. God tells people to live lives of faithfulness and righteousness and obedience to the very things He already said was good for good living and good things happening among all of us. But He was also very, very clear: If you don't, then okay, that's your choice, in fact, if you continue to believe a lie, you'll become so calcified in believing that lie that you'll never see the truth, the reality.

Wow, do those believing the leftist stuff -- are they true believers. Are they so given over to their lie it just seems like, as one of those pundits put it, arguing against them is like arguing against a brain tumor. Sadly it is the same for the true believer Catholicists. They're just as ferocious! Are they so given over to the power of Caesar to somehow wave a magic wand of institutional constitutional legalistical hegemonic smack-a-whack-a-dacka to put the baaad things back into their little hole-in-the-ground.

Hate to say it, but none of it is coming back. The big lie is out there, and really it has been out there sucking people into it's voracious maw since the beginning of humankind. We just see different apparitions of it right now -- those World Ops are so very clever. It's their job to make different blazing scenarios for us to leap into the conflagration.

Thank God Almighty for the Kingdom.

There is freedom from all that there, in Christ, with His nail-scarred hands and feet reaching out.

Wow. That there is that.

Thank you Barbie movie people for showing us the abject wickedness of a pukifying Barbie matriarchy. It is as heinously ugly as any parts of the hegemonic slugfest that accelerates all around us, and it is excruciatingly sad that it has to be this idea that the masculine must wage war against the feminine. When you destroy all the healthy social constructs that enable us to righteously grasp real "manness" and real "womanness" among the human beings with whom we must do for everyone's benefit, when you destroy those things in the name of zealously following whatever the Frankfurt School has told us so no one will call us mean or anything...

You get death.

That's really it.

In the Kingdom there is life.

He is Life. Leave that hellscape and go to Him.


In reality.

And live beautifully and joyfully and wonderfully as He made you to be --

And redeemed you to be with His own life.



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