The New Very Hot Civil War

Passions are getting very heated right now in the present civil war between the North and the South. Literally. About a week ago the Texas governor decided to erect his own "wall" to impede the flow of migrants pouring in at the southern border. The "wall" was pretty much razor wire and a prominent National Guard presence.

A few days ago the US Supreme Court, by a 5-4 vote, decided to remand the case, if I'm not mistaken, which essentially leaves it open for the federal government to prevent the governor from doing what he did.

The governor responded by doing it anyway. Now the president of the US has given the governor an ultimatum to remove the "wall," and intimating he may indeed federalize that state's law enforcement personnel at the border ordering them to stand down. Will the governor call his bluff, and will the president follow through on his threat which means, which means what?...

It is getting hot and heavy with the civil war raging right now. It has already been raging as a more violent culture war for years, but with this an election year and an electrifyingly polarizing Donald Trump poised to get the party's nomination, the violence has escalated and will continue to do so.

The pressure on this idea of federalism has certainly been intense with this border issue exploding as much as it has. Federalism is the idea that states may do their thing and the federal government does its thing as much as the US Constitution directs those things. For years now, however, the federal government has been able to pretty much prevail over anything states want to do simply because of the money. All it has to do is wave the money in the face of any state and the state will do its bidding.

Will the Texas governor stand his ground and continue to impede the migrant flow at his part of the border? What will the feds do tomorrow? Already 25 states have issued statements in support of the Texas governor, so if the feds intervene -- militarily?... once again, then what?

I just thought I'd note that the very idea of federalism was an invention of the Roman Catholic Church. A German bishop concocted the idea in the mid-1700s, and the further propagation of the idea of Gallicanism to counter the Ultramontanism movement around that time provided the pretext for the splitting up of polities so local potentates could have a bit more of a say than Rome does about its own political affairs. This ended up being a blueprint for all kinds of federal arrangements now prevalent in most industrialized nations.

Thing is, Rome still controlled everything. How sweet that so many monarchs and people like that could feel they were all that, how sweet. Gallicanism only gave the provincial powers so much. You could never do anything, however, that went against anything Rome wanted you to do. It was managed quite deftly by Rome's crack team of System operatives, the Jesuits, and with their very opaque power and influence the essentials of Gallicanism were implemented as needed.

With the massive proliferation of fiscal federalism in the United States, Rome still rules all things religious and secular. The reality that the feds are mostly Roman Catholic in their openly and willingly professed sentiments, and that they can, again, buy off the states any time they want means Rome does reign supreme in all things government. President Joe Biden is Roman Catholic. The two key justices at the center of the controversial Texas immigration enforcement decision, Amy Coney Barrett and John Roberts, are also avowed Roman Catholics (as are five others among the nine justices).

To get an idea of just how much the Roman Catholic dynamic is woven into US governance, please read the book Rulers of Evil. Here, I can share it with you, it is on PDF. You can't miss how much the United States is merely the present-day version of the Roman Empire, carried through today in the Roman Catholic Ecclesiocracy that administers everything. Sadly this includes the presently elaborate prosecution of the now viciously erupting real, live, hot, people-being-murdered civil war that will only get worse as the year progresses.

Doesn't matter if the people of one ideological obsession are shooting bullets at people of the other ideological obsession, although that is certainly happening with mass shootings and brazenly criminal acts and rebellious fervor manifest in any number of ways. The emotional and spiritual violence spewed by both sides is getting uglier and uglier, and often just plain results in the physical kind. Where it goes, huh, we'll see.

This is why it is imperative you, my good reader, truly consider asking Jesus to let you into the Kingdom. He will, He really will if you are good with entering through the gate He opens for you. Here, check this out, this link, click it, it'll help you understand this concept more. I urge you to read it, and ask the Lord God Almighty to be your Shepherd.

Otherwise, what you may be doing is listening to another shepherd, kind of like the ones described in the 23rd chapter of Jeremiah. I was reading it just this morning, and wow, extraordinarily sobering. Thing is, the first part of this passage is about The Shepherd. The rest is about the posers. But hey, be careful. So many people out there trying to get your attention are such posers. But as it says in that 10th chapter of John, they are thieves and robbers, and right now they are trying to take your soul.

Only He has the strength and authority to keep that from happening.

Let Him know it.

May God protect and provide for you in the coming evil days.

They're going to be very evil.


The most recent home page piece in my webzine gets a bit more into the Jesuit involvement in the establishment of the Ecclesiocracy, in case you'd like to find out a bit more about it. I also wrote a bit about the whole "V for Vendetta" concept, just the idea that if the good wholesome common folk rallied behind a superhuman revolutionary like the Guy Fawkes-masked character we could blow up the legislature and the government and all that and everyone would live happily ever after. How sweet.


The image of the Guy Fawkes-masked character from V for Vendetta is a stock movie photo widely posted on the web.



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