The Most Servile Obedience to the Understanding

Scouring a few of the things widely blapped out there as I do for a bit each day, I came across this from Eric Weinstein, speaking about something Mike Benz talked about, shared in a podcast called Modern Wisdom and reposted over at ZeroHedge. ::Whew:: Nkay, here's what he said:

"(T)he rules-based international order (is) an interlocking of agreements, tacit understandings, explicit understandings, and clandestine understandings about how the most important structures keep the world free of war and keep markets open."

This was shared with a lot of other pontificating about deep-state activity along with a pretext that Donald Trump has been disrupting the uni-party status quo... annnnnd all those who are right up there in charge of valiantly trying to uphold the "understandings" are getting a bit nervous.

No they're not. Not at all, not in any way.

As long as there is a nation full of rich full-blooded card-carrying Roman Catholicists out there who'll fight the good cause based on anything that is streamed into their noggins, they're good.

Donald Trump is not messing up any of that, at all. He's just as much part of the great performance art extravaganza that Rome has been presenting for millennia. As much as the massive red-white-&-blue flag-waving fireworks-blasting MAGA population sees him as their savior, Trump has actually been pulled to the left of center. Have you noticed? That spot on the political spectrum is now seen as the conservative one because the liberal spot has moved so far left. I mean, it is off-the-charts left -- I don't even think you can see it without binoculars.

All part of the show for hifalutin political figures to virtue-signal their backsides off.

Also, anytime you see anything about this thing "international," thank very good 16th century Spanish Jesuit scholastic Francisco Suarez for inventing the whole thing as a vital component of Cain's human sacrifice operation. No, the world isn't free of war, no matter how many "understandings" are bandied about at the highest levels of System administration. People are still being slaughtered, everywhere, in the most imaginative ways there could be.

It is just so many people, plenty enough for their purposes really, are being profoundly influenced to blindly presume is isn't happening, with the "understandings" manifest as the authorized performance art fastidiously arranged to prevail in the hearts and minds of devout Catholicists the world-around.

I share this mostly just to introduce my latest home page piece which is indeed about The War, with the Trolling Minefield a significant element of that. I'd also share with you my page with a bit more about this "Catholicist Nation," and hope and pray it does direct you 180 degrees away from The War and to the entrance to the Kingdom. That'd be very good.

And there is Tupper Saussy's book Rulers of Evil, I'd let you know about that, here it is on PDF -- just as good as a hard copy -- where you can find pertinent remarks about the "Obedience to the Understanding." He too mentions the Only One Who Delivers from all of that. Very good for the most vibrant and only true understanding.

There is so much more I've wanted to blog about, things I simply could not fit into that home page piece. I thought I could put them here, but it is just too much for now. I did get a very nice teaching job and it does take a lot out of me, but that's good -- good service for the Kingdom. If I'm a good blogger though I'll post more, hopefully. Until then, thank you for your readership.



The image posted was one I'd had in my files and I am not sure from where I got it, I believe it was over at Off-Guardian. Thanks to them if it was. It is indeed a fine rendering of the reality of a World always at war with itself, no matter how much sanitizing and distracting there is.



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