The Distinction Couldn't Be More Important, But It is Hard to See When You've Been a Captive for So Long

"It takes all of us to advance social justice." 

This was on the chyron at the bottom of the Rams-Eagles playoff pregame show on Sunday. You must remember that the whole idea of "social justice" was invented by the Jesuits so academicians and bright smiley media personalities may virtue-signal about how much they are for government forcing people to hock it up for the little guy.

Of course the NFL had been on the racialist gravy train for some time now, plopping those pithy sayings on the back of helmets, at the back of end zones, and in frequently broadcast virtue-signals -- you know the ones, all about how white people really need to get into their preferred struggle session because they are so racist and uncaring.

The big-time Trump inauguration was today, and all I saw in the mass media and social media was how radically delightful everything will be. Or radically fascist it will be, depending on your political disposition. Everyone seems to be either lionizing or reviling their new monarch. It is biblical, in the first book of Samuel everyone wants a king whereupon God ponders. "Will they not trust Me and My words and My ways and My purposes out of My love for them? Okay, here you go. It won't be what you think it will be, however."

Two things are for sure.

For one, Trump won't do anything -- well, maybe he will put up some really nifty new window dressing, that'll be fun to see for a bit. And two. the always metastasizing wickedness is wide and deep and everywhere, all of it covered by skanky smiles and pretentious gleefulness.

I saw a billboard out on the highway today, it said "Child abuse stops here." Next to it was the image of a very cute toddler's very concerned face and the name of some organization that I imagine is trying real hard to help make it not happen anymore.

Blew my mind thinking about how much abortion is still happening everywhere and how much human trafficking especially of children and teenagers is happening everywhere. Ahem, you keep trying real hard, you good wholesome System ordained organization, you keep trying. You keep working to replace a mature industrious committed man married to a mature industrious committed woman bringing up their children in a home that ensures all the very best for those children those System Op-trained mandarin minions will never come close to matching. You go with that, you go.

I'd seen quite a bit of hubbub about an apologist of some stripe showing up on uber-podcaster Joe Rogan's show to talk about -- ::gasp:: -- Jesus. I mean really Jesus, like talking about the reality of the archeology and the evidences for Jesus in real history and all that!

Now please, cynical me, I honestly do not want to throw shade on anything this gentleman was sharing. His name was Wesley Huff, and if his ministry brings people to Christ and into the Kingdom, then more power to him. Seriously.

But I just think a couple things. One is a post I saw that he may have shared to try to make the more hard-core Protestants believe he was the real deal. If he did not share this post then forgive me, but apparently he insisted, "I am a Calvinist." I know that may seem like really not-that-big a deal, and of course many of the impassioned Reformed-minded will cheer. 

It isn't that Calvin didn't have some solid things to share. But his theology did have tremendous liabilities and the fact that straight away everyone wants to jump all over the Trolling Minefield about what levels of TULIP commitment one has is testament to the insidious power of the Jesuits to get us leaping on the mines.

I happened to come across a book I believe is put out by the Discovery Institute, a pretty decent apologetic organization, and the whole title just caught my attention. It was called Stockholm Syndrome Christianity, and while I haven't read it I can guess it has to do with how much Christians can get so sucked into really shitty theology in their churches that they start to exhibit symptoms of the "Stockholm Syndrome," the idea that hostages start to develop a perverse affection for their captors.

Wow. Yeah. True.

But this has been going on for millennia.

And it is why sudden rock-star Christian influencers like Wesley Huff simply cannot have the impact he could have. It is simply because he will never deftly distinguish between Biblical Christianity and Roman Catholicism, and in that actually move people to understand the meaning of that distinction.

Sure for centuries Protestant megaphone-holders have spoken quite articulately about that distinction. Many have died doing so. But wow, today is that influence muted, even more the understanding that the Roman Catholic institution is there by God's permission to do the dirty work of Cain's Legacy.

Again, talking archeological evidences is an awesome thing. All the apologetics successes are good things, they really are, saying nothing against that. Not even saying anything against what Rome itself does in its own role as the preeminent ministry of condemnation. It is supposed to be doing that.

I mean look at the subtitle of the book, part of it says "What we can do about it." I'm sure it will be more of the same stuff someone like Megan Basham did when she wrote Shepherds for Sale. "Here's what this guy is telling his congregants and here's why that is bad! Here's what that guy is saying and here's why that's also bad! Aaargh!"

Again, not necessarily a bad thing, but why? What is really at the heart of everything that is happening not only in the church world but in the political and social and economic worlds? It isn't just that this guy or that guy is saying bad things and here's what we need to do to bring everyone back to THE ORTHODOXY.

If we aren't boldly articulating the distinction between World and Kingdom as we should be to those who are willing to hear it, then we are just spinning our wheels trying to rescue them from the so-called Christian terrorist kidnappers who are holding their hearts and minds and souls and keeping them from the freedom they could have in not just the archeological Jesus or the historical Jesus but the Lord and Savior Jesus.

Where the Holy Spirit is, freedom is.


Here is a quick link to a short but great piece on the meaning of the ministry of reconciliation. The first image there was clipped from an image aggregator that cited X (once Twitter). The second was also one of a number that showed up there.



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