"A-Trolleeing We Will Go, A-Trolleeing We Will Go..."

"...Hi-ho the derry-oh, a-trolleeing we will go." I'd say, oh, 97% of everything streamed through any kind of widely bilged media, mass and now social, is limited hangout plap spewed for the sole purpose of getting people trolleeing. Yes, that's trolleeing. Just about everything is a troll. In as richly Roman Catholicized this planet is, everyone who belches anything that is something of a mass of people can see, hear, or read -- it is a troll. That's it, that's all it is. And when someone responds, all they're doing is being a trollee. Then what . All that stuff about the federal government's USAID foreign aid used to mess with another country's political and economic stature? The stuff that demonstrates how much of a racket the Romanist force within the US government really is -- something millions of good wholesome Americanists have known about for eons? Just a fine limited hangout to make for the very best trolleeing. Some people seem to be tic...