"A-Trolleeing We Will Go, A-Trolleeing We Will Go..."

"...Hi-ho the derry-oh, a-trolleeing we will go."

I'd say, oh, 97% of everything streamed through any kind of widely bilged media, mass and now social, is limited hangout plap spewed for the sole purpose of getting people trolleeing. Yes, that's trolleeing.

Just about everything is a troll.

In as richly Roman Catholicized this planet is, everyone who belches anything that is something of a mass of people can see, hear, or read -- it is a troll. That's it, that's all it is. And when someone responds, all they're doing is being a trollee.

Then what.

All that stuff about the federal government's USAID foreign aid used to mess with another country's political and economic stature? The stuff that demonstrates how much of a racket the Romanist force within the US government really is -- something millions of good wholesome Americanists have known about for eons?

Just a fine limited hangout to make for the very best trolleeing.

Some people seem to be ticked off a bit at Elon Musk for calling it all out. He was on uber-podcaster Joe Rogan the other day and spilled the beans about the feds and how corrupt it has been. Oh. Huh. Wonder how much he spoke about Social Security itself, and Medicare itself, and defense spending itself, and the servicing the debt itself, and how those things make the foreign aid stuff pale in comparison? All of these represent the finest ways the Racket must regularly pay off its fine upstanding devotees, no matter the price.

Then I see over and over and over again people screeching about the CIA and its covert psy-ops or the Zionist bankers and how much Israel controls US policy-making or the massive underground occult-oriented human trafficking network and their horrifically exploitive activity or it is really this bad guy or really that bad guy and... and... and...

And what? It isn't that any of this standard procedure for the most proficient Romanist human population control isn't quite insightfully perceptive, it is, quite, but it is just -- the abject folly: Then what?

Oh my, the howling about the consequences of the sexual revolution, namely that there is just a bit too much pedophilia activity going on in the deep recesses of the rich and powerful set... Release the Epstein list! Ahem, if there was a list, and it had names of people who committed terrible sexual-abuse-related crimes, and there was indeed evidence that they did the deeds, then why must we see any list? These people should be perp-walked, like, yesterday, but, well...

All limited hangouts, all of them. And the trolleeing that happens as a result -- deafening!

Yet nothing really happens despite the fact that, as always, for the longest time, everyone knew.

Everyone knows.

When all these hangouts fade away from the mainstream conscious, there will be new ones taking shape, spewed forth through all the large trolling channels, all to keep people engaged and enraged in some way for the full purpose of keeping them attached to the System that engenders and sustains all this as routine practice.

We wouldn't want trollees to see the vast and ugly concupiscence of their own wickedness, now -- much less confront it and do something about it, you know, like repent and turn to Christ and worship Him only. No, it just feels too good to seethe against a bunch of powerful people whose role in Cain's Legacy of officially authorized and fully legitimate human sacrifice you can't do a thing about.

Except join in the ferocious trolleeing to make it that much more fun.

And that 3% that isn't limited hangout fodder? If it actually gets out there in some meaningful form? If it is real, it is about how much the Roman Catholic Institution is the divinely established Ministry of Condemnation. It is about how its System Ops in the persons who labor from its militant orders direct all of the above in the most imaginative ways -- provoking the loudest blithering trollees is what they do.

It is further about God allowing all of it, indeed setting the prosecutorial hegemon in motion for the expressed purpose of showing it in all its gruesome horror to those who'd actually see it, hear it, understand it, and actually want to come out from under it all. And that only happens by fully, completely, unconditionally accepting Jesus' offer to enter the Kingdom by His work at Calvary. 

That is the only place where actual freedom and salvation and joy and peace happen.

One of the reasons I'm posting here on the first day of the month is this is the time when I usually publish a more thoughtful and comprehensive home page piece, though much of my blogging here is really not much different. The only thing this whole web enterprise is about, webzine and blog, is to do my own bit of trolleeing, in a sense.

Yes, I too could be called just as much a trollee as anyone else in sharing what I share here, or anywhere else in my web work. "Here, look at this terrible World thing. Look at how wickedly ugly it is..."

The difference in my view is that I only point it out to share the Very Real deliverance from it all. 

He is Christ.

He is Kingdom, the only place of refuge and sanctuary.

That's what matters, it is ultimately the only thing that matters.

I do try to take a bit more time with my home page piece to share Him. But I'm posting here, now, because as I try to publish something every three months, with March being the time when I publish a spring piece, I am not able to do so at least right now. Our computer is being serviced, and all my files are there (yeah, I know, why the issue, I'm such a caveman, sorry), but we hope to have it up and running and I may pound out something this month.

Otherwise it is all in God's hands. If He blesses my efforts then these words will have an impact. I'm getting up in age and it is a lot to keep this web effort going. As long as I have some capacity to share Him and Kingdom I will. Anyway, for now, I can blog and just let you know my webzine is still active and hopefully making good Kingdom-bringers.

However much trolleeing it seems we do to make that happen.

To get an idea of what I've already shared about this distinction between the World and the Kingdom, look in and about my webzine there at The Catholicist Nation

As always a very heartfelt thank you for your faithful readership.


The image is a screenshot of Jim Carrey in a movie ironically about him being allowed to be God for a bit. It is an image commonly found on the web. The image of the billboard is from Sabo/ unsavoryagents.com. I put up this photograph at this blog post from a few years ago.



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