It's ALL Abuse of Power

Today at the impeachment hearings television personality attorney Jonathan Turley said something I thought was quite profound.

The reality show House Democrats have been moving full-speed ahead with kicking arch nemesis Donald Trump out of office, and it has indeed been a circus. Today the "witnesses" at the Judiciary Committee hearing were not actual witnesses who could testify to an actual crime, but rather legal scholars from top universities appearing merely to lecture everyone about how very very very much they believe Trump is so very very very bad that he just has to be impeached because they are so very very very smart about all the law stuff involved.

Anyway, Turley was the one professor who actually shared the most meaningful things. Still, those things don't detract from the fact that all of it was just World System machination machinery. Anyone's appearance -- hey, even my mention of it here -- is really just a way to give the whole benighted enterprise legitimacy. It isn't that it shouldn't have legitimacy -- as absurd as it all is, it is just the veritable reality of the World.

Anyway anyway, Turley pretty much ripped a great gaping festering new asshole all over the Democrats efforts. The highlight came when he had the balls to emphatically say this:

"If you impeach a president, if you make a high crime and misdemeanor out of going to the courts; it is an abuse of power. It's your abuse of power." (Emphasis mine)

There is no question the Democrats are simply not respecting the principles of the Constitution. They are indeed, abusing power. They are very much sowing the political dissipation of country as they feverishly continue with this New York Times-propelled farce. The real penalty for them, however, is that they don't get re-elected next November. Some say that is a real possibility.

I say poopakukka.

I think as long as the economy stays strong, Donald Trump will wallop whoever runs against him next year, provided the Democrats don't drag this on long enough for there to be some actual crime that emerges. How many times does law enforcement have to unconstitutionally rummage through your things before they can find something incriminating that the Times will take and interminably splash all over mass media?

Yet while Trump is winning again, the Democrats will still keep the House getting elected again and again and again in districts that are solidly Democrat in those urban areas hypnotically seduced into ensuring government is their sugar daddy.

But then, that's the way it is supposed to be for those who ask Cain's legacy to care for them.

And in that sense, everything is an abuse of power. Donald Trump does abuse of power as a standard matter of practice, every president has, though. In fact Trump is a piker compared to some presidents. It is the way it is supposed to be, the whole governing entity set in motion by the principles of the fourth chapter of Genesis, there in the Bible.

Go ahead and check it out, then check out my latest webzine piece. It is about the kinds of "Books" that bring the most joy, and peace, and contentment. The best ones are those who ask The Book to be their Lord.


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