The Old Very Hot World War

In my last post "The New Very Hot Civil War" I made mention of the metastasizing violence marauding across the United States, threatening to split the country apart -- literally, with secession movements and everything. I do consider serious qualifications about that whole thing that mitigate any of that actually happening, but the fear and loathing is festering and steaming all the same. As much as people try to slough off its lethality, it is resulting in people dying. I could put up an entire webzine piece just to document those ways. In fact I kind-of have, with a rough sketch of the standard-practice institutionalized human sacrificing that occurs on a regular basis...

Around the globe.

...And has been going on for, well, several millennia now. Sorry, not new. Sorry, but World War II was just a particularly loud manifestation of the warfare.

A couple weeks ago I was thinking about this and thinking about the Twilight Zone episode "The Howling Man." You may remember it, it featured a stranded gentleman coming upon a castle-fortress deep in the woods very late at night, and its caretakers let him stay after initially being firmly reticent to do so. While there he hears a baneful howling noise coming from somewhere, and after locating the source of the wailing he finds a locked cell occupied by a hapless man pleading to be let out.

After being strictly warned not to do so, the gentleman opens the cell, and sure enough out emerges the Devil himself, who escapes to wreak havoc on the world. The foolish gentleman then regales us with all the horrors he's inadvertently unleashed upon everyone: This war and that war and this evil and that evil and so forth...

Why did I think this? It is because the Devil is always loosed and always uses the most sophisticated eloquence and bracing charm to get people to do the most heinous things. Doesn't matter who, the powerful and the meek, the rich and the modest -- if not in the secure embrace of The Truly Strong Shepherd, all are delicious supper for those who do his bidding.

This perpetual dynamic has always been in play, described quite clearly in the first chapters of the book of Genesis. Take a look-see at the fourth chapter in particular. It contains the story of first sacrifice of another human in the name of working hard to prove you can be one's keeper without God. God then sends this sacrificer out away from His presence to continue exerting his lethally seven-fold strength -- even encouraging him to build a city to make the prosecution go a bit smoother.

If you are an evildoer also far away from the Shepherd's Kingdom and with an incurable itch to rebel against the sacrificer's present-day legacy, then what are you complaining about? You do what you do, and Caesar does what he does. What of it. Has to be that way. Has always been that way.

The war has never ended. It never will.

Just reviewing much of my favorite book in Scripture, Jeremiah, I am blown away by how much God tells His people. "Look, the real war is in your own hearts and among your interactions with those near you. It isn't with Babylon. Babylon is merely manifest justice. It too is wickedly evil, but so are you

"Here's the crazy thing. I still love you, a lot. You are my very beloved, so, judgment must come in this form, but I will still care for you. And yeah, I'm bringing the worst judgment against Babylon, later, but that isn't your concern. You should just be following my will and instructions here, shared with you by my prophet: go set yourselves up for 70 years and let things happen as they must, and then everything will be restored in due time."

All it took was for them to listen, obey, and observe. One of the main parts of that observation was for them to gaze upon the horrors of their wretchedly sinful and idolatrous behavior, see it all for what it is, and repent.

Thing is, is this happening today?

The Roman Catholic Ecclesiocracy is indeed the modern-day version of Cain's Legacy. It must be around doing its thing no matter how much "A.I." surveillance-oriented authoritarianism is employed. It is exactly like Babylon's army taking over Israel and Judah kicking everyone out for a time. And today, sadly, there are still people who refuse to pay attention and soberly consider the benighted state in which they live.

All that sodomism, racialism, socialism stuff that is so devastating the country today? All invented, installed, and sustained by Rome's top notch operatives for the expressed purpose of destabilizing things and engendering more allegiance to Rome. The message poured through the airwaves: "It's good to be unconventional with your sexuality, no matter how much promiscuity and bodily mutilation is involved, go ahead YOU BE YOU! You're no racist, you're good! Show it by using more racism to fight racism, it's okay! And hey, Jesus cared about the poor more than anybody! So see about forcing richer people to hand over more to the poorer ones -- that's very good!"

The consequences of these sentiments is just more death. More human sacrifice for the good of the officially institutionalized racket. And I can't help but add that people's self-destructive behavior often ending in suicide is just another way this happens. These guys are good, they've used the most proficient Sun-Tzuan tactics to do the least amount of work they have to.

Some will bleat that stuff is nothing compared to the greater concerns oversees, you know, with major US and UK strikes against the Houthis for their attacks against commercial vessels and just irritating the West overall. And then there is the Russia-Ukraine-NATO thing and the Israel-Hamas-Iran thing and the this-complicated-foreign-conflagration thing and the that-foreign-conflagration thing and the-one-really-complicated foreign-conflagration thing about which no one truly knows what's actually happening but someone must share it -- all of it resulting in more threats against US security so then we simply must do more to kick ass around the globe!

Meanwhile I can't help but see blap after blap after blap about the police state forming within the US what with all the advanced technology and that JUST CAN'T BE! THEY'RE ASSAULTING THEIR OWN CITIZENS! THIS IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL! THIS IS TYRANNY! THIS IS BAD BAD EE-YEW VERY BAD!!!... and on and on and on ad nauseum ad nauseum ad nauseum.

I will add that I do actually see a few things that do make some meaningful note about how much all of this is indeed generated by the Ecclesiocracy. One of note is this recent one from Jerm Warfare, about how much it is actually the Jesuits who run everything. Finally, kudos to Mr. Jeremy over there at his fine webzine!

Thing is, now what? Now what, Jerm Warfare and your extraordinarily insightful guests? Register more voters? Spew more revolutionary fervor? Blither more fiercely about the latest resistance movement? Form more subsidized ingratiating interest groups? Get more ammo? Put another cabinet in the bunker for more even more ammo and more stuffed away stuff?

Or how about mentioning The Kingdom?

I've included with this piece yet another of those amazing images the people at ZeroHedge are putting up in their stories. Again I can't find attribution but this one was with a story by Michael Snyder on February 3rd. But it too says so much. One of the more striking elements are the birds there that could be eagles soaring about -- the eagle is a symbol of both Rome and the US, I can't believe the artist did not grasp this. Or they could also be the vultures ready to feast on the carcasses of all those futilely waging the final battle as described in The Revelation.

As long as people are in a state of worship of those in the polity symbolized by that All-Seeing Eye, they will live out Hell on earth. They may believe they are the most splandiferously splendid people on the planet -- with Roman Catholic operatives all about doing their duty to use religion as a weapon to convince people they are just too good for judgment, huh, kind of like those people Jeremiah spoke to 2,500 years ago -- as much as these people are doing anything with those gods, the Catholicist nation will flourish, and, as the title of the movie says, there will be blood.

Frightening the image portrayal of the mesmerized masses captivated by the wonders of Cain's Glorious Legacy. That's fine, they can do that. Hundreds of millions around the globe do that -- they must if they do not have Christ. Unless they ditch the whole thing, however, and turn completely around to the Kingdom...

There will be war.

And they will be waging it.

They already are in the depths of their hearts and minds and the very souls God would love to reclaim.

But you must enter The Kingdom by His way.

Ask Him. It'll be worth it much more than you think.


The Lord foils the plans of the nations;

    He thwarts the purposes of the peoples.

But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever,

    the purposes of His heart through all generations.


Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,

    the people He chose for His inheritance.

From Heaven the Lord looks down

    and sees all mankind;

from his dwelling place He watches

    all who live on earth—

He who forms the hearts of all,

    who considers everything they do.


No king is saved by the size of his army;

    no warrior escapes by his great strength.

A horse is a vain hope for deliverance;

    despite all its great strength it cannot save.

But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him,

    on those whose hope is in His unfailing love,

to deliver them from death

    and keep them alive in famine.


We wait in hope for the Lord;

    He is our help and our shield.

In Him our hearts rejoice,

    for we trust in His holy name.

May Your unfailing love be with us, Lord,

    even as we put our hope in You.

(From the 33rd Psalm)


Again the posted image is unattributed but I would like to. Thanks again to the artist who made it. And no, it wasn't generated by any "A.I." If some super-fast processing program did it, the substance still had to have been input by a human being. The other image of the "peacemakers" was from an evangelical tract put out by Chick entitled "The Mad Machine." I will also add that I have not listened to the Jerm Warfare interview, but will soon. Again it would be nice if they did mention The Kingdom, but I don't have my hopes up.



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