The Massive System Subsidized Subdivision Network

One of my favorite film characters is Napoleon Dynamite. He is viciously authentic, idiosyncratically imaginative, fastidiously cynical, yet wants to enjoy the most meaningful relationships even with his bullying detractors however grudgingly. How joyfully engaging is his support of Pedro as he tries to win that election. How bountifully sincere is his friendship with Deb, with Alphaville's "Forever Young" playing in the background -- just heart-rendering. I have a great affinity with this kind of person, much as I do with Cassandra in Greek Legend and of course Jeremiah in Biblical Prophecy. I've shared a bit about the latter already in this web ministry effort, and part of my characteristic personality is being intensely attuned to World-vs-Kingdom kinds of things. Not going to get much into that since this isn't about me. I would rather it to be about those significant things there for anyone to discover, as much as I am something of an impassioned discoverer a...