
The 6,000-Year Stupid Run, Addendum

Just saw a post from a decent economist about how working men are vanishing. He pointed out today 1 in 7 men have pretty-much checked out and are doing nothing. Being homeless, sitting in the basement playing video games, whatever thing not engaged in a single meaningfully productive effort of any kind. In 1950 that number was 1 in 40. I mention this because I concluded my last post with a mention of Joy Pullman's piece about the twisting around of male-female innate roles, responsibilities, duties, and just how much that has destroyed our society. This little factoid from the economist is testament to the wicked product this present ugly reality. I pondered what I shared in my last post , just about that distressing concept generally known as stupidity , still thinking about Jesus warning against calling anyone a fool. But the fact is Scripture talks about the distinction between wisdom and folly all the time . Very required, really. We are all so very stupid. So yeah, not an issu

It Has Been About 6,000 Years You Know, At Least

I have given up seeing if people can really truly be wise, at least without some substantive help from God. That effort itself is a fool's errand.  The more I hear and listen and read and hear from people who sound really smart and think they are saying really smart things -- but then are actually really stupid, the more amazed I am that we've had some 6,000 years at least to be at least a little bit not-stupid. So much time to get it right, how in 6,000 years can so many still be so stupid. ::Sigh:: But then, it is biblical.  Scripture very clearly says everyone is as stupid as a rock. I know I have been, and when I go into that sickening denial mode, it is worse. In fact, it is sin, flat-out. About 10, 15 years ago I was driving in the morning to my work, which was then about 30 minutes away. I did what I sometimes did, and what I still do every once in a while but not too often these days because what is spewed there is almost always so agonizingly stupid -- I tuned into NPR

The Propaganda Machine for the Entrenched Child Sacrifice Program is Humming Along Quite Nicely

In his 1917 book Gullible's Travels , Ring Lardner wrote, "You know they's lots o' words that's called fightin' words. Some o' them starts a brawl, no matter who they're spoken to." It is the origin of the phrase, " Them's fightin' words." Perfect context for a Truth Rule that is so widely dismissed, particularly by those who screech like banshees "Freedom of speech is the very very very most important thing ever!!!" The Truth Rule: Nobody says anything truly worthy unless they are permanently indentured to the Spirit of the Lord and can share actual freedom things. Yes, it is painfully ironic, but still categorically true nonetheless. Otherwise everything said that gets out there, especially those things going wide and deep into the cybersphere, are merely the most lethally dangerous mines in the planet-sized trolling field. Some pretty good things are actually shared in Project 2025, this policy initiative published by

The Most Servile Obedience to the Understanding

Scouring a few of the things widely blapped out there as I do for a bit each day, I came across this  from Eric Weinstein, speaking about something Mike Benz talked about, shared in a podcast called Modern Wisdom  and reposted over at ZeroHedge. ::Whew:: Nkay, here's what he said: "(T)he rules-based international order (is) an interlocking of agreements, tacit understandings, explicit understandings, and clandestine understandings about how the most important structures keep the world free of war and keep markets open." This was shared with a lot of other pontificating about deep-state activity along with a pretext that Donald Trump has been disrupting the uni-party status quo... annnnnd all those who are right up there in charge of valiantly trying to uphold the "understandings" are getting a bit nervous. No they're not. Not at all, not in any way. As long as there is a nation full of rich full-blooded card-carrying Roman Catholicists out there who'll f

Messing With The Economy is Always a Great Way for Tyrants to Virtue-Signal

I simply have to direct you to this article over at ZeroHedge , one that comprehensively lays out the ironclad economic laws related to price controls. There are a number of things that should be augmented to make this idea much more clear. First , note all the imaginative ways value assignments have been messed with in the worst ways. For forty centuries leaders with their hands on the reins of the economy try to show how blangdanimously magnanimous they were by effing with the transcendent value assignments, valid value assessments, and vibrant economic interactions of their people. So many different ways to do it each with their own spiffy sounding names! I mean who could be against something where we all "commune" with one another -- so much more wholesome! Today that takes the form of printing up dollars and handing them to irresponsible people, or yes, to exploited people who've been effed with by government decree such as what public officials did with the Covid hy

A Nation Under the Influence

Back in the early to mid-1900s when the best Frankfurt School instructors started loudly pontificating about all the ways the exploited and oppressed can be used as tools for greater authoritarian hegemonic rule -- in the name of the grandest virtue-signaling, of course -- one of the most critical weapons they knew they needed to expropriate was the means of communication through the most watched mass media channels. You can see the effects of this now quite successful commandeering in the whole Olympics thing. It is presumed that just about everyone watches the Olympics. I know there are a few who don't, and I happen to be one of them. Just to share, the last time I watched any of it was in 1976, and I do confess it was fun to see people like Nadia Comaneci and Bruce Jenner do the things they did. I just happened to enjoy (again the video put up on social media so I couldn't not look) watching cap-wearing Dave Wottle's comeback run for the gold in that long track race in

The Civil War Reality

Have you been seeing this image, or really a very fine GIF used in memes? I don't know, maybe it's been employed much more often and I just haven't noticed, but I've seen it a few times. The latest was something about this being the IT guy coming into work after this morning's major global Microsoft update disaster that grounded flights, impeded distribution center activity, and messed up hospital care, among many other bad things. I discovered it is from a scene in a Pirates of the Caribbean  movie when some huge 18th century battleship is obliterated -- I mean utterly destroyed -- with lots of massive explosions and wounded sailors flying all about and parts of the ship crushing bodies and cries of agony filling the air and a culmination featuring a gargantuan fireball reaching to the skies and all the rest of it. All the while the captain is confidently but of course morosely resigned to his quite imminent wretched demise as he saunters down the ship's middle