
Massive Trolling Minefield Alert! USAID stuff! Be Careful Out There!

Here I go again, right into the Trolling Minefield, stomping all over it in my bare feet. But, well, I'm committed to blogging every once in a while to continue to elucidate one of the most important Truth Rules of them all for anyone who will ask Christ to allow them to understand it: There is a Kingdom, and there is a World System. The System is made to look like the Kingdom but it isn't, by light years, and that window dressing is exclusively by the work of the Roman Catholic Ecclesiocracy. Unrepentant evildoers hate that, but that  evildoing institution must  be there to crack heads of those evildoers in myriad imaginative ways -- been doing so for millennia. The Kingdom, however, where Christ is, is where the authentic freedom, deliverance, salvation, contentment, and joy resides. It is only there, and you may only get there by accepting His invitation. That's it. All other attempts are mere trespassing. There, there's the thrust of my webzine work . Right there. I...

The Distinction Couldn't Be More Important, But It is Hard to See When You've Been a Captive for So Long

"It takes all of us to advance social justice."  This was on the chyron at the bottom of the Rams-Eagles playoff pregame show on Sunday. You must remember that the whole idea of "social justice" was invented by the Jesuits so academicians and bright smiley media personalities may virtue-signal about how much they are for government forcing people to hock it up for the little guy. Of course the NFL had been on the racialist gravy train for some time now, plopping those pithy sayings on the back of helmets, at the back of end zones, and in frequently broadcast virtue-signals -- you know the ones, all about how white people really need to get into their preferred struggle session because they are so racist and uncaring. The big-time Trump inauguration was today, and all I saw in the mass media and social media was how radically delightful everything will be. Or radically fascist it will be, depending on your political disposition. Everyone seems to be either lionizing ...

The Brilliantly Manufactured Realities are Getting Even Better

Recently came across another fine exposition by Todd Hayen over at Off-Guardian . It splendidly echoes the Truth Rules shared in my last post : That the System manufactures "realities" to compel people's "obedience to the understanding," and with the latest "A.I." CGI capabilities that will become more and more proficiently accomplished. Hayen emphasizes the System principle pounded into the mainstream psyche that the main rule of life is you can make your own rule of life, indeed that you can choose your own reality. He does fine work to speak to this principle's untenable logic, one that has actually been known of for millennia. If my  "reality" is different from your "reality," how can there be one true reality? And if there isn't, then what is the value of any  "reality" if, yes, none are actually real? But, alas, people lost in their own reprobation and thoroughly given over to the System's take on thing...

So Many Realities

The other day I was surfing on the car radio as I often do, and came across NPR for just a moment. During that brief time of checking out the latest System bilge, there was a short promo for what I believe they said was their "Marketplace" show. Here is what they said: "We represent perspectives and realities that..." I don't exactly remember what followed, but I'm sure it was about how great they are at virtue-signaling so you'd continue to listen and get your hearts and minds filled with richly exploitive plap.  The point, though, is this. Realities? As in, plural realities? Realit ies ? What have we become to be so consumed by this postmodern dreck. Supposedly super smart people over at the NPR stupidity mill churning out the worst of World dominion mind-control, in one word revealing the core nature of their dissipation. But precisely what its listeners want to hear. So touching, so caring, so inclusive and tolerant and smarmy. So nice of them to ack...

Every Day of the Civil War is the Fifth of November

It seems everyone really likes making FREEDOM  and DEMOCRACY and WE-SIMPLY-MUST-DO-ANYTHING-NECESSARY- TO-STOP-DICTATORS their supremely sovereign gods. How many times do I hear about how much of an "existential threat" some powerful government official will be if he or she gets into some position of authority. Never mind that for several years now people have been childishly using the word existential  as if it related to fears about not existing, when it means nothing of the sort. But it is part of the fiercely distended liturgy, so, well. The truth that just about everybody who blaps incessantly about political matters simply refuses to get is that there is no democracy. There is no freedom. There is always  an autocracy. Always has been. Always will be. This isn't that those things considered democratic ideals  are not desired. Having a say in what happens in your community, even your nation is not a bad thing. Being able to make your own decisions about the valu...

The 6,000-Year Stupid Run, Addendum

Just saw a post from a decent economist about how working men are vanishing. He pointed out today 1 in 7 men have pretty-much checked out and are doing nothing. Being homeless, sitting in the basement playing video games, whatever thing not engaged in a single meaningfully productive effort of any kind. In 1950 that number was 1 in 40. I mention this because I concluded my last post with a mention of Joy Pullman's piece about the twisting around of male-female innate roles, responsibilities, duties, and just how much that has destroyed our society. This little factoid from the economist is testament to the wicked product this present ugly reality. I pondered what I shared in my last post , just about that distressing concept generally known as stupidity , still thinking about Jesus warning against calling anyone a fool. But the fact is Scripture talks about the distinction between wisdom and folly all the time . Very required, really. We are all so very stupid. So yeah, not an issu...

It Has Been About 6,000 Years You Know, At Least

I have given up seeing if people can really truly be wise, at least without some substantive help from God. That effort itself is a fool's errand.  The more I hear and listen and read and hear from people who sound really smart and think they are saying really smart things -- but then are actually really stupid, the more amazed I am that we've had some 6,000 years at least to be at least a little bit not-stupid. So much time to get it right, how in 6,000 years can so many still be so stupid. ::Sigh:: But then, it is biblical.  Scripture very clearly says everyone is as stupid as a rock. I know I have been, and when I go into that sickening denial mode, it is worse. In fact, it is sin, flat-out. About 10, 15 years ago I was driving in the morning to my work, which was then about 30 minutes away. I did what I sometimes did, and what I still do every once in a while but not too often these days because what is spewed there is almost always so agonizingly stupid -- I tuned into NP...