Naivete About The System
I confess something right here and now. It isn't new, but it is just more pronounced these days. I am extraordinarily naive . I am thoroughly impressed by the way those working so dutifully in the World System so imaginatively, so industriously, and so diabolically do their noble work in the service Cain's legacy. I mean it is truly stunning when you think about it. That they can convince so many people in the most powerfully hypnotic ways to adopt principles originating in the deepest reaches of Hell is indeed an awesome thing. The racialist and coronavirus hysteria seems to be reaching newer heights every day. And that isn't even the genius of the Ops. It is in distracting everyone from the more significant things happening that simply have to be seasoning the planet for Christ's return. Remember the kings of the east? China has got to be slavering over the way Americans are eating their own with their harrowing Stepford bleats that their neighbors must be racists des