The Invisible Christ, Addendum
In my last post I raved about the latest major motion picture rendition of The Invisible Man , and I will tell you I did finish the film. Sure enough what I thought was going to happen did happen, but there were enough twists and turns to make it interesting. Regrettably the protagonist, the one who was in a very real sense the invisible woman , turned out to be just as murderously psychopathic as her whacko lover and his brother. Thing is I just wanted to add a couple things about Jesus, the most important invisible man . I'd pointed out that Jesus is really an invisible man because so many simply do not see Him. He is very real, He is very much God, and He very much loves so much that He gave His life for each one of us specifically to satisfy the very just justice that must be executed against sinners such as ourselves. The problem is Cain's legacy which lifts up as its ecclesiastical manifestation the Roman Catholic Church produces hundreds of Christs for the purpose of