Your Human Sacrifice Representative on the Job

I just had to put in a brief blog post about this past Sunday's Pearls Before Swine strip. You should read the whole thing to get the idea, but these two frames are golden. They nicely elucidate in very graphic detail what exactly happens when World devotees go bananas enlisting fine smiley articulate well-groomed agents of Cain to try to make things the way they want things to be around them. Again, it doesn't matter who it is . Donald Trump or Nancy Pelosi. Jerome Powell or your friendly mortgage lender. Pope Francis or the fiery pithy minister at the non-profit church next door. It. Doesn't. Matter. Revere them revile them embrace them crusade for them want them assassinated in the most cruel way It. Doesn't. Matter. Your allegiance is fully with them to do the job of Lordship in your life. Scripture makes it pretty plain. So many don't get it, but here's the truth. You may think you're pretty cool (don't worry, I do too) but yo...