It Really Should Be Called Americanist Pride, or Perhaps Even Better, Catholicist Death
There's a show on the NBC network called American Greed . Every episode showcases some crook who'd spent years hoodwinking a whole bunch of people, separating them from gobs of their money in sometimes very insidiously imaginative ways. The show's appeal also comes with the inevitable instances when they do something tremendously stupid leading to their prosecution in some form or another. It is certainly greed that is involved, but a far worse crime is the deeper motivating force: pride. This is the idea that virtue-signaling out of one's rear end is too intoxicating never mind what kinds of immoralities must be in the mix to do that. Recently the head of a crypto exchange was exposed as his multi-billion dollar money laundering operation went belly-up. Funny, at about exactly the same time this was unravelling another whiz kid showcased everywhere a few years ago as the next Somebody-Previously-Super-Famous was sentenced to quite a lengthy prison term for her widely b...