
The Civil War Reality

Have you been seeing this image, or really a very fine GIF used in memes? I don't know, maybe it's been employed much more often and I just haven't noticed, but I've seen it a few times. The latest was something about this being the IT guy coming into work after this morning's major global Microsoft update disaster that grounded flights, impeded distribution center activity, and messed up hospital care, among many other bad things. I discovered it is from a scene in a Pirates of the Caribbean  movie when some huge 18th century battleship is obliterated -- I mean utterly destroyed -- with lots of massive explosions and wounded sailors flying all about and parts of the ship crushing bodies and cries of agony filling the air and a culmination featuring a gargantuan fireball reaching to the skies and all the rest of it. All the while the captain is confidently but of course morosely resigned to his quite imminent wretched demise as he saunters down the ship's middle

Remember Remember THIS Fifth of November

Huh, I just heard for the first time when this year's US presidential election day is. November 5th. Huh. Didn't know that. Because as you know, "Remember remember the fifth of November, gunpowder treason and plot. For there is a reason why gunpowder and treason should ne'er be forgot." What does that mean? Does it mean that because they once tried to assassinate our beloved king by detonating a gazillion kegs of explosives under the Parliament building we'd better be sure that kind of thing just doesn't happen again by ferociously prosecuting those we all are told did it? And if anyone tries to do it again they know they'll get it right in the ----?! Or is it a reminder that any time a king even once even remotely even a little bit tries to be a ::gasp::  -- TYRANT  -- then we all know what to do? So don't forget it, okay, don't forget what they tell us needs to be done to keep the bad tyranny away...  In the great glorious name of DEMOCRACY!

It is Grand Mythology Month Once Again

In my web surfing this morning I came across a post from someone linking to this movie scene . It is from Margin Call,  a film that came out a scant three years after the latest major financial crisis in 2008. I'd blogged on it already a few times before. They'd linked to it with a remark something along the lines of Here we go again... The scene is easily one of the most horrifying scenes anyone could behold. No, there are no wild knife-slashings and gushing blood-spewings, there are no roundhouse kicks to heads with teeth flying about, there are no machine gun rounds being unloaded onto evil gorks or dorks or orcs -- oh yeah that's what the ugly evil dudes are called in Lord of the Rings -- as the victims' bodies gyrate to the impact of the bullets smacking against them. No, what makes the scene so harrowing is that all the perpetrators are wearing spiffy $1,000 suits sitting pleasantly though quite uncomfortably in a big-city office-building high-floor plush meeting

The Only Thing That Matters

I really like the things that Miss Just-An-Artist-Questioning has put out. Wonderfully simple truths illustrated. This one features someone trapped in the thorns of lethal lies. Someone who loves has got the large industrial-scale set of clippers to extricate him. Funny, the one thing I could think about was how Scripture is described as a two-edged sword. It is indeed the only way one may know the truth employed to deliver another from that death. Except this thing,  truth .  I've been peeking again at Anthony Pezzotta's Truth Encounters  about the ways the Roman Catholic Church elevates the grandest deceits to keep its faithful enslaved. His very first words are from Scripture: Yahweh is the God of Truth (Isaiah 65:14). Jesus is the Way and the Truth (John 14:6). The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13) The Word of God is the Word of Truth  (2 Timothy 2:15). (Emphasis his.) I saw a woman the other day in a professional setting where I was surrounded by hundreds of

The Critical Financial Component of the Boss Troll War

Recently an interview response by the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors for the president of the United States went viral. It was only a couple minutes long, this take by Jared Bernstein, and it was essentially this: Question: "Why does the United States government have to borrow its own currency?" Answer: "Um, well, err, umm, I mean, hmm, urrp, umm, blippity-blappity-oopy. [Long pauses throughout]." He was mercilessly ridiculed by the legion of trollees remarking quite viciously throughout the cybersphere, and as I sometimes do I will look at the comments and see if anyone gets it. Most times they don't, by miles. Most people like to post thinking they are blapping about how genius they are but they are only demonstrating how ill-informed or just plain stupid they are themselves. Well, I shouldn't call people fools. No matter how many billions there are of them, I really shouldn't. But they are indeed exploited by the System Ops to be such. A

The Boss Troll War

I can't help but begin this follow-up post to the latest in my "We're all just trollees" thread with this screenshot of a video showing a toddler being fitted with glasses so he could see, for what is effectively the first time ever. It is just heart-rendering to watch, and see the smile on his face when he can see, especially since his first clear sight is that of his beaming parents. The reason I'm leading with this simply amazing photograph is I definitely see this as a tremendously profound metaphor for what happens when Christ gives sight to not only the blind, but to the wicked, the foolish, the devious, and the stupid. When they actually see glory of the One and Only Savior, the magnitude of his mercy and forgiveness, and the overwhelming beauty of the Kingdom -- well, Scripture tells us angels in Heaven rejoice. In my latest home page piece I made a valiant attempt to be simple with my exposition of the World-Kingdom distinction, and while I believe what

Rome is the Boss Troll and We're All Just Trollees Along for the Ride

Out on my walk I came upon a nice looking young couple from behind -- the woman pushing a stroller and the man walking a dog on a leash. I thought, how nice, they've got a small child... until the gal turned around and the stroller was empty. It was for the dog . The dog then hopped in and the couple then went back the other way. This is just an anecdotal story and this couple may be planning to have children or they may even have them back home being watched by grandma while they are out. They may also be unable to have children for whatever reason, but it makes me think about how many young adults hypnotized by the Frankfurt School dogma are swearing off having children because of things like their perceptions of climate change or the bothersome intrusions of the oppressive heteropatriarchy. I mean, it is perfectly rational, why bring children into a world that appears so threatening? It is, however, thoroughly unrighteous.  It is not hard to see why, in the simplest sense. If th