The Value Extraction Cure
In looking at the financial crisis upon us I can't stop reading about how the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. And then everyone dives right on into the horror anyway. "U-u-um, y-y-y-yeah, I'm not afraid-nn-nn-duhduhduh lions and tigers and bears oh my ." All kinds of neat solutions are spit out by World operatives and inhabitants alike, all prefaced by the standard "Here's what really needs to happen," and all falling into one of two categories: (a) a rehashed way to do oppressive World-directed law enforcement--not a bad thing for those who like being whacked by the law, or (b) some foolish idiocy spit out by someone seeking attention. I've written dozens of times that the only cure to the malady is Jesus Christ. It's not just me saying this. It's flat what it is. The problem is He not the wuss Jesus Christ most people think about, the guy who's just another one of the religious club gods people like to hang on the wall. This...