Rooftop Shouters on Steroids
I happened to come across this article , appearing the New York Times. It is about this app, Clearview AI, whereby you can just stick it at someone's face and find out quite a bit about them. While a lot can be said about this, one thing I thought is, if the Times is putting out the expose about it, what else is out there we don't even know about that is compromising our personal security? It does seem as though we've got to be in the very last days of the existence of this version of God's creation, it really does. When you see things like "the image of the Beast" in Revelation what else could it mean but the most sophisticated holographic augmented reality of a Caesarian character all are expected to worship? This will become fully realized when the CGI finally arrives at the holy grail: graphic images of humans completely indistinguishable from real ones. We're almost there. Thing is, when I saw this article I could only think about the home pag...