Digging Dowwwwwn Deep, Real Deep This Time
I've recently uploaded my latest webzine piece , and there is never a dearth of folly prominent in the news to use as a pretext for what I've written about. To wit: Some evangelical pastors are so riled about bad World things that they've started putting together a megarally to be held just before the November elections. Some guy named Jim Garlow from a big church in San Diego is enlisting the services of a guy named Lou Engle who did one of these back in 2000 (you mean bad World things Christians can do nothing about no matter how many of them screech is not new?! ) The idea of this thing they're calling "The Call" is to first reflect deeply on God's things-- okay so far; second pray and fast-- still good to go; third go vote righteously on November 4th. Um, excuse me: go select World operatives whose job it is to crack heads of willfully wretched people? What business is that of those who name the name of Jesus, unless that Jesus is the Roman one? App...