Three Notes on the Whole Value Extraction Thing

There are certainly more than three notes, like, maybe more like 57 billion notes, about what the deal is with value extraction, the subject of my last two webzine pieces. But for now, here're three I had zipping around in my brain today.

1. I'd kinda gotten across the idea that the lifestyle precept of "Losers Weepers" was kind of a bad thing. It is when people criminally take from others. But after reading a financial commentary that alluded to the fine service short-selling gazillion-dollar-a-year-earning fund managers do, I wanted to clarify.

God does permit short-sellers to do their thing.

He said as much in that passage in Matthew about the sowers of the talents. Don't sow with what you've got? It'll be yanked from you and given to the others who did. Sounds a lot like short-selling fund managers to me.

The service they provide is cracking heads of those who live in the World and proudly assess value above or outside what it truly is so they themselves can appropriate it. When you think about it, World value extraction is a way to get people miserable with how much others are ripping them off.

Then maybe they'd get outta there and ask Christ to let them into the Kingdom where people don't do that.

2. Another written web blog something-like-that piece I read today was about how poorly run countries make for inflation. That inflation is the result of leftist policies of those governments. I thought about the whole bad-governments-cause-inflation thing and thought, it does make sense.

Inflation is the overassessment of value on a macro scale, and when people have their non-values valued by lying governments which enable crappy behavior by unjust wealth redistribution, that's gonna show up in inflation.

I just don't think, however, that the problem is the typically asserted "Governments don't allow private property, free market, profit motive, free enterprise, freedom this, freedom that, freedom and all that" reasoning. It is more that governments just do a lousy job of cracking heads of all the liars out there.

Gotta hand it to the Jesuits, sustaining that World System through the good old U-S-of-A to get us all hypnotized into believing Americans are free when they've just got the cultural police-state going real good.

This leads to that third note.

3. Just gotta share this in my blog. Saw it in a book review for a new book by Josh Cotter with skyscrapers in the title. Hope he doesn't mind.

Cotter is what many would call a subversive comic artist, and his strip right there says tons.

Right there. That's the life that 97% of everyone, um, "lives," right there in their own prison of brutally dutiful compliance with Americanist civil religion. Good wholesome law-abiders right there living out their death every single day.

Want skin? Want breath? Want actual real true vibrant exhilarating




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