The Addictive Blogger, Part II
Thought I'd post again, here in the blog, so soon after the last post, simply because I guess I have to. Juuust to be out there in the blogosphere, you know, have the presence , all that. Sorry, but I don't have a comments section. I'd love to, but when I've tried to re-enable it, it just doesn't . So, hey, still, if you like my take, email me from my webzine . I'd love to hear from you. Anyway, felt like I needed to just add some thoughts about some thoughts in my latest blog, thoughts that I thought would surely get some to go "Whoa Nelly that's kinda dicey there Dave!" There was this, if you recall: The Bible is a science textbook. I know why so many go "NOW-WAIT-A-MINUTE-THERE" so readily. They've been seduced by two of the greatest World operative grunts in the history of philosophy, David Hume and Immanuel Kant. When you get right down to it, here's what each has said. Hume: "There aren't miracles becaus...