The Addictive Blogger

I got another reminder that to get good marketing going for my web presence I've got to blog blog blog, tweet tweet tweet, post post post -- I guess I need to be a social media maniac. I once heard that the most important thing is content. I still refuse to discount that element, and still believe it is indeed the foundation for meaningful work.

But it seems as though having to slog through all the social media platforms and be there with some inane regularity is something that is quite expected. I recently saw a news item about a blogger, Amanda somebody, don't even remember her last name, who contrived a lot of waves in cyberspace with her asinine remarks about abortion -- stuff about babies being evil something-er-others, it wasn't even worth anyone's attention.

Yet I still thought, huh, this gal is getting this kind of attention? Whut thuh...? Her only credential was that she was a blogger. That's it. Now, I'm great with being just a blogger, nothing wrong with that, but how come these kinds of idiots are so showcased? Well, correction, I do know why. I happened to catch a bit of something biographical about this gal, that she'd attended a Roman Catholic school in Austin, St. Edwards I think it was. That should tell you everything.

Except that this blogger won't get a whole lot of attention because when readers are introduced to the quite veritable premise, "The Roman Catholic Church is all about provoking the worst in reprobate individuals for the purpose of showing off how magnanimous they are about fixing things up in the nicest ways, and this was the way it was legitimately arranged since Cain's first such effort," the response is a complete and thorough...

I mean, the response is not even a response, only because such a premise is so far and away beyond the purview of a wholly Catholicized, Americanized, hypnotized, mesmerized populace that, well, oh well... I'll still blog and hope to share Christ with those who do want to see.

Saw a piece from a friend on Facebook, something like "Christianity is the most falsifiable religion there is, and it's still around." Made me think about a take I've started to ruminate about, the idea that the Bible is indeed a scientific work. I've been thinking. Look at the beginning of Genesis, Psalm 104, the gospel accounts of Jesus' earthly life. My recent devotional reading is from Exodus on the instructions for the tabernacle.

There are profound scientific features in those parts of Scripture.

So who told us that the Bible is not a scientific textbook? Well, if you've followed my work, or -- damn, you've even paid attention at all to what's really going on around you, what happens at the deepest levels of how things actually happen the way they do -- you'd know.

In my Los Angeles Times today was an editorial about how all of the U.S. presidents' assassins through history were just crazy men with delusions of grandeur. That's it. No conspiracy plap required, the writer boldly implies. All you dumb conspiracy theorists can take off your silly tinfoil hats now.

It'd be one thing to dismiss this guy as an idiot himself, but really. Why is the LA Times putting in a piece that is so stultifyingly elementary? What is their agenda for including it? It is one thing to say "Assassins all have one thing in common: this certain kind of thinking." Whoa, what a revelation! No, the real question is, where did these guys get that kind of thinking?

The Bible says what that is, scientifically.

Anyway, thinking of getting much more into this with my latest home page piece. This, by the way, is something I should address here, at least in this blog for those who do follow my work and may catch it. Right now my computer situation is really up in the air. These systematic changes in whatever information technology advances are being foisted upon us these days -- errck, what a hassle.

But, point is, I am valiantly working to keep my website up and going, and if my prayers are answered, new and thriving. I really work to keep up on it every two months, at least. I'd be adding tons more of this and that, but work and family consume most of my time (and wonderfully so!) Even so, yes yes yes, I'd love to have a major web presence just to introduce anyone to the One Who Actually Does Save Souls.

Anyway, just wanted to add the disclaimer... and to put up just one more post just to stay as much in the SOCIAL MEDIA REALM as I can -- as much as that actually is.


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