God Loves Us So Much He Lets Us See the Consequences of Our Sin In All Its Horror
In a post a little while back I made a remark about praying for my enemies, and also praying for the mitigation of the effects of what legitimately powerful potentates do. I've thought a bit about that statement, the one about praying that people wouldn't suffer so much for the things they ask their lords to do. I've actually thought, huh, that may not be the best thing to pray for. Huh? Now I know as you may know that praying for the very best for anyone is not a bad thing at all, I got that. The prayer is one of magnanimity, really, and who wouldn't want that spoken prayer on their behalf, I got it. I do want the ultimate best for anyone, and will always pray for that. But I look at what God does in Scripture. His ways are light years and light years beyond ours. It is so amazing what He does, even though the seasoned humanist would viciously revile such a move. But God has His reasons, perfectly just and righteous when you look carefully and get a real underst...