It Really Should Be Called Americanist Pride, or Perhaps Even Better, Catholicist Death

There's a show on the NBC network called American Greed. Every episode showcases some crook who'd spent years hoodwinking a whole bunch of people, separating them from gobs of their money in sometimes very insidiously imaginative ways. The show's appeal also comes with the inevitable instances when they do something tremendously stupid leading to their prosecution in some form or another.

It is certainly greed that is involved, but a far worse crime is the deeper motivating force: pride. This is the idea that virtue-signaling out of one's rear end is too intoxicating never mind what kinds of immoralities must be in the mix to do that.

Recently the head of a crypto exchange was exposed as his multi-billion dollar money laundering operation went belly-up. Funny, at about exactly the same time this was unravelling another whiz kid showcased everywhere a few years ago as the next Somebody-Previously-Super-Famous was sentenced to quite a lengthy prison term for her widely blithered lie about a medical diagnostic technology that was simply nothingness.

These people are not the only ones. There are thousands just like them, consumed by the pride of the flesh, of the world, of the devil. All they have to do is show how immensely great they are at being magnanimously giving and they should be good to go with anything they do. While not free of their guilt in any of it, they are pawns in a game played by deep System ops who are authentically and officially ordained to carry out these crimes because they must as agents of Cain's Legacy. (See the fourth chapter of the book of Genesis for more on its genesis.)

I've seen dozens of different takes on how exactly this young crypto scammer was being set up to make it so it will be easier for the System to eventually install a Central Bank Digital Currency. Oh my, the screams about that are deafening. "We'll lose our freedoms if they do that!" 

In response there're just as deafening cries about getting on board with Bitcoin which, it is stridently bleated, is not crypto. Ahem. I've even just been introduced to the concept of being a Bitcoin "maximalist." This is the idea that every medium of exchange, every one, should be Bitcoin because it has blockchain and wallets and this protection and that protection and it could never be bad.


Bitcoin is just as much a tool of System ops as anything else. Too many people are still making a god of a medium of exchange, using it for the worst financial exploitation, and whenever I see someone say "Put your money in this thing!" -- especially something like Bitcoin, I think three things. First, they just want to get more people on board so the value of their meaningless computer numbers creeps up. Secondly, I know how much even the smallest crypto bugs are being played by the System but are too foolish to get it. Thirdly, I always do what I do with anyone who I see caught up in the dissipation of this world -- I pray for them.

For you see, that's the real essence of all of this. God said, "Store up your treasures in heaven." When He sent His disciples out two-by-two to tell people about Him, He knew there'd be some people in some homes in some towns who knew about Him so well they'd be His love and charity and industry and peace and contentment and hospitality and joy and also revel in His glory and His beauty and His salvation and His righteousness and as such they always exhibited those things with gratitude and a heart full of overwhelming grace. Jesus told His disciples when they go to one of those homes, stay in that one place. The whole idea is from there they were to earn their keep by effusively and articulately sharing Him with everyone.

The towns that did not have those kinds of people?


Jesus said this -- this from a Jesus everyone thinks was only about being extra polite and avoiding nasty confrontations about things. Excuse me, but He actually said that the towns that did not welcome Him and His word and His messengers -- they'd be worse off than Sodom and Gomorrah. Yep. Sorry. They are going to the bad place. Please, I didn't say it, Jesus did. Take a look-see, tenth chapter of Luke, and in other places as well. The reason is simple -- people do really crappy things to other people and for the most part the victims of those crappy things really don't like that, God doesn't like that no matter how vested they are in the most magnificent crypto there could ever be.

He puts a stop to people's ugly sinfulness by either destroying them, or before doing that offering up Himself as a sacrifice as payment for that sinfulness so people may be covered in His righteousness to live with Him in blissful bountiful eternity if they want it. "God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While were still sinners, Christ died for us."

The World System is all about making it so people's sinfulness pours itself out in full rich colors, but it does that by provoking them into doing insanely stupid things like those you see in all these news stories. Then it goes crazy trying to arrest that evil but only for the purpose of boasting about how great they are at constraining it -- you can't miss it, it scorches the airwaves every single moment of our lives.

Think Bitcoin or any of the crypto will save you? Think the Fed and Federal Government will save you with all its printed green rectangular pieces of paper (oh my how generous they are so kind and caring!)? Think a good stash of shiny yellow rocks will save you? Think any of the ingratiating with the World they know so many get sucked into because you are so fearful of being found out will save you? It's all mammon, every single bit of it, and God said categorically you cannot serve it and serve God at the same time.

In fact I've seen this meme a zillion times. The one with the most visible World System big-shots (and maybe some not-so-visible) sitting around the game board messing with people's lives and livelihoods, as well as all their subjects kneeling with the weight of it all on their backs. "Just stand up!" is the cry. "That's all you have to do!"


Those people want to be there because they are so filled with dread. The Romanist Ecclesiocracy has them so chained they can't move, and they don't want to move. Call it a mass-induced Stockholm Syndrome, whatever, it's been going on forever. You don't think these people would've done the standing-up thing eons ago? Wouldn't they have figured it out, like, five or six millennia ago? Yet they're still staying there? And your pithy little meme blap will suddenly rescue everyone?

They all stay there because they faithfully listen to the words that ultimately, as far down the rabbit hole as you can go, come from the Church of the Gesu -- occupied by the one individual who barely has to lift a finger to manage the evildoing of a populace who thinks they can just buy more Bitcoin or shout more ferociously at a school board meeting or any of those kinds of things and everything will be fine.

Furthermore the game board must always be there for the great gray-bearded finely-spectacled mandarins to do the things God asked them to do. They must do human sacrifice in their head-cracking duties to rein in all these people. Sinners are in desperate need of that. The Pope even said so many years ago, that those for whom salvation is necessary give their full devotion to the Roman Catholic Church.

But that is only if you are presently in need of salvation. If you are in Christ, you already have salvation. No need for it from Rome if you have it from Christ, exclusively by His righteousness and His grace. If you are not in Christ and you are not depending on Him for your complete everything -- your identity and your livelihood and your conduct and your very life and heart and soul, then you must by default be ruthlessly subject to the Roman Catholic hegemony informing all the mandarins at every strata of World governance. They are there by divine assignment to care for you as you crouch painfully underneath the weight of its rule. You see them all there in the meme hovering over the game board -- I am afraid they are going nowhere no matter how much you recognize them and what they are doing.

The very smart Catholicist rebel continues to screech, again, "Just stand up! Then the game is over! Then things are wonderful again and we'll all get along!"

Well, you can try to upend the board, and many have throughout history, "Let's rage and rebel and revolt and riot and shoot dead overly-schnazzy people who've been ruining our lives with their rule!" I can't say many haven't deserved it, but what happens when they all just stand up?

More and more and more ::Owwwch...::

For those who want Kingdom, the real answer is one simple thing.

Slip out from under that thing, leave it be, and go to Him.

Jesus has already undone the chains binding you, you just may not know it. Or worse, you don't want to leave.

We do live in a fully Catholicized nation, millions of people wrestling with hundreds of different attractions, really just idols any one of which they think will just make them -- all the while interminably cramped and scrunched under that game board.

The latest crypto debacle is yet another wickedly brilliant exposure of that reality. Exasperated World Devotees will just smile and pitifully reassess what they'll do in light of the things that have been happened over and over and over again, for millennia. It wasn't anything new. They'll either zip off to some other god ("Hey, Bitcoin! It's good! It's backed by math! Gotta love it! Come on!)...

Or you can go to Christ and dwell in the Kingdom. 

That's it. It's only those two things. 

One is just more of the death so many are already experiencing in all its heinous glory.

The other is Life.


Quick heads-up. I wrote here in my webzine about the crypto con in relation to other idiot cons particularly from these young exploited whiz-kids. I'd also made mention of the instance related to the medical diagnostic scam in this webzine piece. Another of my home page pieces gets into the Real Financial Singularity. Finally here's a little bit about who that one individual is, the one who uses the very best Sun-Tzuan Art of War tactics to effectively rule the World. Would love for you to peruse them if you have a moment and give me your take. Would like even more to later meet you in heaven as a fellow worshipper of Him in Spirit and in Truth. Check it out in the fourth chapter of John, get a better idea of what God really wants.


The first image is merely a screenshot from the World Economic Forum site showing its partnership with the money laundering firm. The second is a clip of an image that is pretty much all over the web. The third is a screenshot of the very popular meme.



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