The Barbie Movie and the Finer Things, Epicurean Delight!
A Black Mirror episode titled "Metalhead" is a standard cat and mouse tale with the relentlessly pursuing beast a weaponized robotic dog. Throughout you're rooting for the gal on the run, hoping she can ultimately find some way to get away, somehow stop the marauding advancement, perhaps even "kill" the robot to ensure its complete incapacitation -- just do something to be able to finally settle down and not fear this thing reaching her and killing her. As with every Black Mirror episode, you can't help but think deeply about the story's implications. Here was the thought from me. What if the pursued woman was actually the villain? Meaning, what if the robotic killer dog was simply doing its duty to stop criminal behavior at the behest of a government charged with such prosecution in the name of keeping social order and decency? Kind of what we all want from law enforcement? I say this because in a world that seems to go madder and madder, there is al...