The Barbie Movie and the Finer Things, Epicurean Delight!

A Black Mirror episode titled "Metalhead" is a standard cat and mouse tale with the relentlessly pursuing beast a weaponized robotic dog. Throughout you're rooting for the gal on the run, hoping she can ultimately find some way to get away, somehow stop the marauding advancement, perhaps even "kill" the robot to ensure its complete incapacitation -- just do something to be able to finally settle down and not fear this thing reaching her and killing her.

As with every Black Mirror episode, you can't help but think deeply about the story's implications. Here was the thought from me.

What if the pursued woman was actually the villain? 

Meaning, what if the robotic killer dog was simply doing its duty to stop criminal behavior at the behest of a government charged with such prosecution in the name of keeping social order and decency?

Kind of what we all want from law enforcement?

I say this because in a world that seems to go madder and madder, there is always the commensurate call for someone with enough ganas to step up to the plate and get things back in order already. Well, with the super-duper advanced information processing technology getting exponentially more sophisticated every second, enforcers are on the job!

In fact, why not have a legion of weaponized robotic thingies to hit the streets to stop all bad things? What of it?

Here's a link to a recent piece by Caitlin Johnstone about The Algorithm. I'd written a home page piece years ago about this new god, the one so many now are worshipping -- now frequently calling it the "A.I." as if someone will some time invent the perfect thinking contraption and after they do, ZOWWIE! Perfect nirvana-quality utopia all around! It'll be able to figure everything out perfectly and nothing will be bad anymore!...

Except for one thing...

What about me? I'm a pretty nasty evildoer, only rescued by the saving grace of my Lord, the only begotten Son of God. Even clothed in His righteousness I'm sure they'll still come after me, after all I do make these horrific kinds of claims that Jesus is the Only Way to any blissful existence after death. Jesus even told those of us who say intolerant things like that will be dragged before the magistrates and likely something not-very-nice will happen. 

Thing is, really, it is biblical by the way: we all deserve to be dragged before the magistrates. Thank goodness now there are such things as extraordinarily adroit robot something-er-others to take care of that business.


No one wants that.

So, how about full transparency, just like Klaus Schwab promises. Let's all stick our lives and livelihoods out in the open for all to see so there won't be any worries any more. And really, the Bible does say everything done in secret will be shouted from the rooftops. Why can't the "New World Order" do that business for us?

The Algorithm's already doing it. It cracks me up to see so many screech and scream about this biometric identification system and that social credit scoring apparatus and ::rawr:: ::rawr:: ::rawr:: It's already happening. In fact it's been happening for centuries and centuries, it just hasn't been so technologically sophisticated.

What is so perverse is that there is now some critical mass of insecure exhibitionist-minded people out there doing the spouting themselves regarding their newfound sexual immorality. "Look at me and how much of a new kind of person I am! Celebrate me and my new identity! Tell me how courageous I am so I can feel virtuous when I know deep within I am not!"

The peeping Algorithm God? ::Pshaw:: The raging concupiscence has not only metastasized, it's institutionalized. But then again, much much better for the vast overarching sin management operation that is indeed the Great Grand World System and all its spectacularly fun Barbie-movie propaganda blitherings.

It is going to get worse and there is nothing you can do about it. Read The Revelation at the back of your Bible for goodness sake. Literally, for your goodness' sake because it is pretty ruthless, how the virulent evildoing of humankind comes to an end.

Jesus in your heart mightily gripping your soul right now is the only thing -- that's it, period.

I share all this in relation to that Barbie movie because I was thinking about my post from last time, just a couple days ago, and thought about the men who should be out being men and what that means. I put down, essentially, being a man means praying. Yep, that's really what I put down. Praying. I thought, huh, I don't think that is going to seem very manly to the genuinely masculine-expressive men out there. It just doesn't seem to have a whole lot of kick-ass opportunities in there anywhere.

But it does

It is just not the things the World System wants you to do, and has been sloshing about for eons to try to convince men that's the way they should behave.

To be clear, the Kingdom has exceptionally kick-ass ways for men to be the best Kingdom-bringers they could be. They can be earthmovers and builders and warriors and just plain good compelling leaders in the service of Christ -- but againnnn... just not the way the World does.

That Barbie movie? Really just a tool of the World to mold and shape and form the Ecclesiocratic mythology to keep both men and women viciously engaged in the Culture War, indeed as a proficient way to keep them and their sinful behavior corralled without doing too much to keep it from manifesting itself in the most lethal ways.

Make both women and men feel so impotent that they end up destroying themselves, much by keeping them fully sold out to one of the most effective philosophies for World devotees to clutch: Epicureanism. You could see it just explode off the screen, and it is woven into pretty much now every single motion picture that gushes into our craniums.

It is the idea that there is really nothing but matter, nothing beyond what you can physically perceive, but in the name of tolerance it is a good thing to be nice to the religious folk who hold to superstitions like this Jesus fellow. Be ferocious about your devout materialism -- after all that is really what all the truly smart people think, but be exceedingly polite and very smiley so your rabid commitment to the most tyrannical humanism can come shining through -- everyone can see how spifftastically not-mean you are and that you truly believe every human being is good at his/her/their/zher core.

The Barbie movie was exploding with this -- there is nothing but atoms and void, and as such, each of us can make our own world. I dunno, do I want to be a man? Do I want to be a woman? Can we all just reform and reshape and even just plain destroy the old stodgy social constructs and rebuild new ones in bright pleasant rainbow colors so I can have everyone accept me for my own chosen self-identification?

Wow, how much the Frankfurt School dogma has infected the psyche of the body politic. I too fear for the young people so taken in by all this, encouraged by all the adults too many of whom are just children themselves just in grown-up bodies, who themselves were raised by big-people children who never left the 1960s. I don't know about you but teenagers and young adults today are the most insolent, rude, disrespectful, arrogant, defiant, whiny, self-absorbed people on the planet. Not all of them, I don't want to generalize too much, forgive me... but waaay too many are.

And they are dying from it.

So what can men, indeed women too, do to truly be mature adults who may indeed fancy themselves followers of Christ? Besides praying like maniacs, they can absorb Scripture like maniacs too, and labor fastidiously to get His words deep into their souls. They can meet with others who are like-minded and want nothing else but to be the men and women Christ made them to be -- worshipping Him in Spirit and in Truth then speaking with one another with conviction about all these things that are ravaging the world around them and then...

And then...

Making themselves available.

Making themselves available as Christ with His healing and saving words to those who may just see the awfulness of this world overrun by Frankfurt School ideologues on one hand and a law enforcement operation that is getting much meaner and badder with more and more "A.I." enabled prosecution horrors.

All of it very there, very not-going-anywhere...

All of it there so that those with Christ on their lips can share Him with those who want out.

And yes, I do believe part of the manliness of authentically Christian men can be vibrantly expressed in seriously working to be ungrafted to all of that. It takes a great deal of godly courage to abjure the realm. Yes, get your worship assemblies out of the filthy morass of World System drudgery. Men, you want to be men who want some kick-ass action? Gather together in prayer and then work out getting your families and worship communities ungrafted. Here's a page I put together regarding churches, and here's a page I put together regarding businesses. Here's another one with some thoughts about what an ungrafted church should look like.

If you're fully in Christ genuinely loving anyone with whom you have to do. what do you have to do with such contractual obligations? They are terrific for those who need them! This is precisely why all the Barbie mythology stuff and sodomist stuff and racialist stuff and "A.I." stuff with all its super-advanced algorithms and biometric surveillances and weaponized drones and all of it is so all-over-the-place -- it is made that way because people ask for it and they behave in ways where it is very necessary!



The image of the robotic killer dog from Black Mirror is a standard photo posted everywhere on the web. The Klaus Schwab take was assembled from a video posted on Twitter. The screenshot of the angry Barbie was taken from the website, thank you.



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