...You Will Not Remove Their Folly From Them --- Unless the A.I. Does It
I caught this very interesting piece over at ZeroHedge , one that highlights remarks by SEC Chairman Gary Gensler. He points out that of all the bountiful benefits that this thing most people call "A.I." does, there is indeed one major item that may very well not be so desired after all. Makes perfect sense . Might want to take that Bible off your shelf for further reference. Seriously. Gensler points out that with the "A.I," or what-should-be-called SPIT for SuperDuperReallySuperDuper-Fast Processing Information Technology being used to reeeeeeeally do a spit-shine job of peeking around at everyone's financial affairs -- -- And finding out how absolutely & thoroughly, wickedly & deceitfully arranged they really are ... ...That when the SPIT shit hits the fan and all of it gets uncovered, well, you know. It's easy. That would be very very very bad for everyone. It'll be that contagion that everyone fears, that thing that will just do the worst a...