
Showing posts from December, 2024

The Brilliantly Manufactured Realities are Getting Even Better

Recently came across another fine exposition by Todd Hayen over at Off-Guardian . It splendidly echoes the Truth Rules shared in my last post : That the System manufactures "realities" to compel people's "obedience to the understanding," and with the latest "A.I." CGI capabilities that will become more and more proficiently accomplished. Hayen emphasizes the System principle pounded into the mainstream psyche that the main rule of life is you can make your own rule of life, indeed that you can choose your own reality. He does fine work to speak to this principle's untenable logic, one that has actually been known of for millennia. If my  "reality" is different from your "reality," how can there be one true reality? And if there isn't, then what is the value of any  "reality" if, yes, none are actually real? But, alas, people lost in their own reprobation and thoroughly given over to the System's take on thing...

So Many Realities

The other day I was surfing on the car radio as I often do, and came across NPR for just a moment. During that brief time of checking out the latest System bilge, there was a short promo for what I believe they said was their "Marketplace" show. Here is what they said: "We represent perspectives and realities that..." I don't exactly remember what followed, but I'm sure it was about how great they are at virtue-signaling so you'd continue to listen and get your hearts and minds filled with richly exploitive plap.  The point, though, is this. Realities? As in, plural realities? Realit ies ? What have we become to be so consumed by this postmodern dreck. Supposedly super smart people over at the NPR stupidity mill churning out the worst of World dominion mind-control, in one word revealing the core nature of their dissipation. But precisely what its listeners want to hear. So touching, so caring, so inclusive and tolerant and smarmy. So nice of them to ack...