So Many Realities

The other day I was surfing on the car radio as I often do, and came across NPR for just a moment. During that brief time of checking out the latest System bilge, there was a short promo for what I believe they said was their "Marketplace" show. Here is what they said:

"We represent perspectives and realities that..."

I don't exactly remember what followed, but I'm sure it was about how great they are at virtue-signaling so you'd continue to listen and get your hearts and minds filled with richly exploitive plap. 

The point, though, is this.


As in, plural realities? Realities?

What have we become to be so consumed by this postmodern dreck. Supposedly super smart people over at the NPR stupidity mill churning out the worst of World dominion mind-control, in one word revealing the core nature of their dissipation.

But precisely what its listeners want to hear.

So touching, so caring, so inclusive and tolerant and smarmy. So nice of them to acknowledge that us good wholesome Catholicist globalist humanist WE'RE-THE-ONLY-ONES-WHO-REALLY-CARE-ABOUT-THE-POOR-AND-DOWNTRODDEN-DAMMIT are all about fully embracing the differences among us so we can all just affirm and applaud and arrogate about how wonderful everyone is.

Thus, everyone has their own reality and by-goodness NPR is all over that.

Um, problem.

There is, really, only one reality. There are indeed many perspectives about what that reality is, but there is only one. Many, many perspectives of reality are truly whacked-out, forgive me, so "embracing" them is an extraordinarily foolish thing to do. In fact the whole NPR reality is indeed all about disabusing quite a few people of the perspective they embrace because it isn't the one the NPR people are told is the actual perspective that should be the only one embraced by all.

So much for postmodernism. It is a wholly untenable "reality" to have because it caves in on itself logically. Yet so, so many people, more and more all the time, succumb to this whole mentality because it does feel so good, and the World Op mandarins who are sworn to push it sound so hip and happy and intelligent on the radio. And on the television. And in the social media. And everywhere else the Frankfurt School commandos have taken over at the behest of the Company's men.

One of the ways those "realities" are being much more proficiently hammered into the mainstream is through the "A.I." applications that are getting more refined by the day. It is especially gruesome in what is happening with the CGI, the computer graphic imagery, once consigned to the world of major motion picture making. Now anyone with a laptop can manipulate images and turn them into reality.

The tremendous dangers this poses cannot be overstated. Not only is the cat out of the bag but the whole zoo population has fled when it comes to how much someone with some large chip on his shoulder can destroy with any kind of acumen with computer imagery manipulation. Think about what can be done by the widely lionized, exceedingly powerful, and rigorously Catholicized tribal interests who say they're all about The Splendid Global Prosperity.

Oh the realities they can create.

How far will it get when we simply cannot know for certain what it is out there that is truly actually really true anymore. This is why it is such a frightening prospect for anyone who is not well-versed in Scripture and holds to a deep abiding faith in the true actual real Christ. I add that last part, the "true actual real," for obvious reasons -- there are so many Christ "realities" out there and the System has insisted it now fully acceptable for you to have your own, since after all we really can't know.

That - is - Hell.

A recent piece by someone I've referenced before because he at least makes us think, Brandon Smith over at and posted at ZeroHedge, had this:

"The danger of AI is that it could take us closer to a global hive mentality faster than any other tool or piece of propaganda in existence. How? By being so damned convenient."

This is not anything new, really, we've known about this possibility for quite some time. Simply that none of this will be hoisted on us against our will. We'll just want it. The key here is in his reference to the "global hive mentality."

Do you know what that is?

Do you know what the Catholicist Nation is, the World System administering things with seven-fold force from the city for several millennia? The latest "A.I." features and CGI capabilities just represent a magnificent World Op motherlode, they can do all that so much more proficiently now, so much more scintillating for us all to watch. And you don't think it all emanates from Rome, even today?

Just today world leaders are gathering at the renovated Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, I imagine to schmooze and virtue-signal by boasting about their support for the thing -- and what is that thing, exactly? Well, it is one of many, a quite spectacular one certainly, and I have to believe the renovations were done quite superbly -- but it is still one of many shrines to the modern-day cult goddess of the World.

Our Lady. Or in French, Notre Dame.

This is presumably Jesus' mother, Mary, but it isn't her at all if we trust what Scripture says about her. No, it is really just an idol Roman Catholics worship employing all kinds of casuistry and dissembling to rationalize. 

So yes, the World and its most visible potentates are in some measure required to pay devout fealty to the World's religious "reality," or at least pretend to, after all, we all know anyone's given reality may not actually be real but of course we must pretend it is, to be tolerant and inclusive and all the rest of it, you know.

It does, however, demonstrate once again that the World System, replete with all its assigned governing entities and emerging policies, is Rome. It always has been, it always will be. Everyone who says they hate it like it, and everyone who likes it are fully enslaved by it. This is indeed the way of Cain's Legacy.

So much to post. I've shared before that I don't blog as much as I'd like -- not enough time and far too much to blog about. I'm blogging now because I thought I'd have something meaningful to share here, I hope it resonates with you. I also post to share my latest home page piece, which is at my webzine, this one about the Mysteries and how most of Protestantism today has been completely Catholicized.

All only that my readers would seek Jesus and His righteousness and His Kingdom, where they would discover everything that the World pretends to offer -- so many realities! -- and find real real joy and contentment and deep abiding companionship with The One Who Is The Reality.



The image of the Notre Dame reopening festivities is from the ABC News website. This is from some ceremony that occurred on November 24. The other images are screenshots from social media posts. I'd also check out Brandon Smith's entire piece, it is here, it does great work elucidating the reality of "A.I." and how much more the authorized World Ops will use it quite prominently to mold the minds of Devout Romanists and Radical Selfists alike.



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