The Brilliantly Manufactured Realities are Getting Even Better

Recently came across another fine exposition by Todd Hayen over at Off-Guardian. It splendidly echoes the Truth Rules shared in my last post: That the System manufactures "realities" to compel people's "obedience to the understanding," and with the latest "A.I." CGI capabilities that will become more and more proficiently accomplished.

Hayen emphasizes the System principle pounded into the mainstream psyche that the main rule of life is you can make your own rule of life, indeed that you can choose your own reality. He does fine work to speak to this principle's untenable logic, one that has actually been known of for millennia. If my "reality" is different from your "reality," how can there be one true reality? And if there isn't, then what is the value of any "reality" if, yes, none are actually real?

But, alas, people lost in their own reprobation and thoroughly given over to the System's take on things, they just don't get it. Or they work really hard to pretend they don't. It is the ages old mentality -- makes perfect sense: I am so hammered by the unpleasant yet I close my eyes and plug my ears to the only deliverance The Reality Who Loves With His Life, why can't I just hypnotize myself into an entrenched lie that is way more pleasant?

It is the basis for everything a World Devotee embraces, from the worst suicidal drug or alcohol addiction to the perversely gratifying rage one fumes at whoever is the System's enemy du jour, all the way to the rancid occultic, erotic, demonic engagements that weave their ways into many of even the most delightful religious showcases.

I think about all this stuff with flying drones and the dread people have about what they can do. It is quite justified. Anyone could instantly recognized their dangers the first time a year or two ago watching the drone army put some kind of picture in the sky. You know, a big ol' colorful wavy American flag in the sky on the Fourth of July for instance, all arranged by computer experts using tiny flying machines with lights coordinated just so we may enjoy this newfangled spectacle.

"Ooo! Aah!"

Whether or not the recent spooky New Jersey flying drone invasion was anything (huh, remember, the location of the War of the Worlds 1938 Halloween fake scare was Grovers Mill, New Jersey), the technology is already here and already advanced enough to send out tiny drones fully weaponized in whatever way is best for maximum System prosecution activity.

This makes an extraordinarily potent combination. The flying drones and whatever other robotic mechanisms used for any and all purposes, and the very nearly perfected AI CGI making true things virtually impossible to truly grasp and opening wide the door to Hell's "realities" which can be much more pleasant, let's face it. (At this moment the AI CGI is not quite perfected because the best of it still has very prominent uncanny valley characteristics. It won't be long now however.) 

One of the main elements in this whole enterprise cannot be emphasized enough, one of the most sinister designs of the System Operatives' work: Deftly perpetuate the massive conflation of Biblical Christianity and Roman Catholicism. How often do I see anything journalism, mass media, social media, any of the authorized information streams bilged into everything refer to Romanism as "Christianity." This merely moves all the Radical Selfists to consider anything Jesus as the overarching Catholicist's Ministry of Condemnation, which they viciously loathe. 

Understand in some profound ways it is actually a very good thing that this ministry is healthy and vibrant and ruthless. God made it that way, by virtue of His divine purposes as explicated in the fourth chapter of Genesis. And from that emerges the ravaging Culture War only so people can see the wicked ugliness of people's evildoing -- a very real reality indeed -- and turn from it to...


Well, you know. If you're a reader of this blog, of this web ministry, you know. Ultimately if you care to pick up even some of God's word, seek His righteousness, look upon His magnificent creation you know.

"That which is known about God is evident within them, for God made it evident within them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so they are without excuse." (First chapter of the letter to the Romans)

Funny, the image that went with Mr. Hayen's piece was an "A.I." generated one, pretty simple, the proverbial elephant in the room. It is, of course, the reality people pretend to refuse to acknowledge. I've included my own image, below, a reworking of a meme that I believe does a bit more truth-telling related to the elephant-in-the-room metaphor.

Shouldn't have to belabor the point. Would like to think the meme composition does the work. But yeah, there is the Romanist System doing its thing as it should, but then there is

The Kingdom, the One Who Reigns There, and the bountiful mercy that resides there.


And for bonus meme enjoyment, here's this one I can't neglect to include...



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