The Plot Thickens - The Federal Reserve's Evil Twin Surfaces!
There is serious talk these days of forming a Bad Bank of the United States . Yes, you heard me right, a "bad" bank. Because bank's are being pulled under the water by the rip currents of the toxic assets they were "asked" to assume, the suggestion on the broiler is to create a federally authorized institution to assume them and manage them in the best way it can, freeing financial institutions like Bank of America which has been dragging in an almost lethal way since acquiring Countrywide and Merrill Lynch. A "bad bank" is not such a bad idea, really, for there is an equivalent of one in the real world. It is quite elaborate, actually, having different levels. The first is the 99 cent store, outlet shops, discount centers. The second is the swap meet, flea market. The third is the yard, garage, or rummage sale. The fourth is the thrift store or downtown mission. There is even a fifth level, it is called the dump. Those things are perfectly fine operat...