Any Value Enhancement Going to Happen in the New Year?

Much of the new year forecasting has to do with whether or not the economy will rebound from an unsightly tanking in '08. World prevaricators--oh, wait, that's not the right word--prognosticators, sorry--World prognosticators will blab about this or that happening--maybe, if this or that also happens and then if...

If if if...

The simple fact is that as long as people are habitually out to hack off value from others to allay their fears about whatever, then the economy will either be awful or what looks like the economy will fool them. Indeed I didn't exactly use prevaricator there by accident, for the word is just a fancy way to say liar.

Addressing the massive Bernard Madoff rip-off, Los Angeles Times business writer David Lazarus refered to a scene in the film Hannah and Her Sisters. A character played by Max von Sydow had been bewildered by those who wonder how something like the Holocaust can happen. He says, “‘How can it possibly happen?’ is the wrong question. Given what people are, the question is, ‘Why doesn’t it happen more often?”

The fact is, it does happen, all the time, regularly, and not just by the high profile big shots like Madoff. Today's holocaust exists in the thousands of investment schemes humming along, profiting handsomely from rife value extraction. People are incessantly told they are not victims, and if they find out they are, they are then told to just go to their Jesus.

That so many are contracted with the World of Straw-Man Jesuses tells me that human sacrifice will continue doing brisk business, and the whirlwind of fear and more fear will continue being a vibrant part of the drama.

For a bit more on this, I've written my latest home page piece about it. It is here.


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