Barack Obama is Qualified

On the eve of Barack Obama's inauguration, I wanted make a blog entry here mostly to direct you to my good friend Ben Bush's excellent post from a few months ago. Most would never know that there are some rather legitimate challenges to Obama's constitutional qualifications to be U.S. president, but I am certain they will be quite fruitless. Certain authorized powers that fewer can identify have already coronated Mr. Obama, and as you can see from Ben's insightfully veritable words that all forms of clever causistry and provocative sophistry will be employed to buttress his reign.

It doesn't much matter. It is all show. Obama is really just a Hollywood creation, following the dictates of those powers. What those powers do is quite significant, for their job is nothing other than managing the sinful conduct of those who ask them to do that. Obama is just a boffo character everyone can look at, an archetypal superhero fiction upon whom they may put their trust. His purpose is to fill their imagination with some assurance that they are not as wholly wicked as they know they are.

It is interesting that the most pressing thing Obama is expected to do is rescue everyone from the collapsing economy. Obama has desperately pleaded to get his hands on the infamous $700 billion before he's even taken the oath, and he will ask an eagerly conciliatory Congress to get him over $800 billion more. All of the money spent so far has already been used exclusively to buy stock in the nation's major banks, which represents each bank's asset portfolio, which itself represents the vast totality of loans they made to people, who themselves are...

Well, no wonder they will all slobber all over the new president tomorrow. All those assets that the federal government, the Federal Reserve, and foreign central banks are buying up by the gobs-- tragic that the term for them is always "toxic." Have you noticed that?


"They are forced to buy those toxic assets." What is an "asset" except an assessment of something that people value? And what is that except who a person is in and of themselves?

This begs the question. Why precisely are so many of them so "toxic"?

Could it possibly be that people are liars--that they simply say they can do things when they can't, or worse won't do them when they can or say they will? Could it be that they live such fearful lives that they feel they must endure lives of grand deceit? Hey, don't look at me, I'm not the one calling them toxic! Furthermore it seems to me most actually see this fact about our woeful human condition!

Thank goodness there is Barack Obama to save the day!

Well, I just don't think anything will change. Cynical me. It seems to me that dumping money into the laps of toxic people makes it less likely they will turn around and start working like they should to make other people's lives better.

There is only one Person who can do that, because His simple request is that we do that which we do well for other's well-being from one motivation, and it is not fear.

And no, that Person is not Barack Obama, though you know that Person thinks it is perfectly fine for Obama to do what he will do so well. Sinners need someone to enslave them. Maybe even for a long time, but for Christ, maybe that's just enough time for them to leave that World

And come to Him instead.


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