Where'd the Attorney General Get That Idea?

Last month I blogged on a Los Angeles Times front page that featured the lead story: the Attorney General of California, Jerry Brown, arguing that Proposition 8-- officially declaring marriage between a man and woman-- should not be put into the Constitution. His case was basically that same-sex couples have a right to do anything and everything that opposite-sex couples may do.

I'd written something regarding this situation that I am correcting here in this blog post. I'd asked the question, something like, "From where does Brown and those who support his cause get their ideas?" Here is where I made my mistake. I said "From nowhere," implying that endorsing, supporting, condoning, or favoring homosexual behavior was some figment of their imaginations.

I could not be more incorrect.

Indeed, the truth is

They get their ideas from somewhere.

As a reforming Catholicist myself I still find myself caught in the trap of saying things like "That's irrational" when nothing is truly irrational, for everyone does indeed do everything they do for some reason, even if it is a thoroughly unrighteous one.

In this case I realized I was saying "That's just some crazy idea from nowhere." But the truth is everything people think comes from somewhere, or even better

From someone.

Even if I said "The caramel-spoken emu planet was stitching a neo-Nixonian cappaccino amour," a set of words I imagine no one ever assembled before ever in all of history, the concepts and formation of words in this non-sensical statement were derived from something before. If anything it is the antithesis of anything that has meaning and the concept of that is a learned one.

The key idea: Someone has taught everyone whatever it is they have to think do and say.

Jerry Brown and all who are great with homosexual-oriented conduct have been taught that particular sentiment from someone, somewhere, somehow. Could be a lot of people somewhere somehow, could have been disseminated through the ages in someway.

Don't ask me to trace that process. I confess I just don't know enough of it all. I'd venture to say that those who believe all should embrace sodomy even under the weight of the law are proud to carry the torch of those who'd come before them, whoever they may be.

Ultimately, however, we really get our ideas from one of two sources. We get them from God or from those sent out away from the presence of God. The origin of what we think, do, and say is one of these two. Many will claim to carry the torch of the former, few the latter. This does not mean that the "God people" are not actually those sent out away from His presence.

From whom do you get what makes up you?


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