Every Day of the Civil War is the Fifth of November

It seems everyone really likes making FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY and WE-SIMPLY-MUST-DO-ANYTHING-NECESSARY-TO-STOP-DICTATORS their supremely sovereign gods. How many times do I hear about how much of an "existential threat" some powerful government official will be if he or she gets into some position of authority. Never mind that for several years now people have been childishly using the word existential as if it related to fears about not existing, when it means nothing of the sort.

But it is part of the fiercely distended liturgy, so, well.

The truth that just about everybody who blaps incessantly about political matters simply refuses to get is that there is no democracy. There is no freedom. There is always an autocracy. Always has been.

Always will be.

This isn't that those things considered democratic ideals are not desired. Having a say in what happens in your community, even your nation is not a bad thing. Being able to make your own decisions about the value of the resources you manage including your own capacity to work and produce and care for your family is actually a very good thing. It's nice to think there are reasonable constraints against excessive government force.

I hate to say it, but the Bible very clearly says in our temporal existence there will always be an autocracy, and if you want to earn the potentate's good graces then extend the one debt owed to him and to others. He is required by God to commend you for the open and vibrant ways you exhibit

God's love.

Otherwise, going around bleating about how FREEDOM or DEMOCRACY or some other System-imbued phantasm is threatened in some way if you don't vote a certain way is just showing how much you live by interminable dread. As they used to say over and over...

Remember remember the Fifth of November, gunpowder treason and plot. Is there a reason gunpowder and treason, should ever be forgot?

On Tuesday there will be presidential election. I see the worst posts from even decent looking Christians about how I'm doing something evil if I don't vote in a civil election. I see many Christians blaring about how this type of voting is the most important thing anyone can do. All I do is that now-common acronym -- SMH. Shaking my head.

First of all, everyone votes. Anyone coming of age as a young adult makes a vote. Everyone. You're already registered in Heaven to vote. So go do it.

Your vote should be for Jesus Christ. Period.

That's really the main vote. Are you voting for Kingdom, or for World? If you have Jesus' name on your lips your vote should only be for Kingdom, and that is Christ. Adding a vote in a civil election not only cedes authority over your affairs to Caesar but signals to him there is a reason he must use his legitimate head-cracking power to mess with you. If you are a genuine follower of Christ is there a reason for Caesar to arrange how to live your life? How you demonstrate His love to others, including the respect you must have for those who must administer the law enforcement prosecutions of Cain's Legacy on behalf of the unrepentant who need it?

Just look at the things happening in the election coming up. Those things alone should throw into question the entire probity of this one. There are so many irregularities, improprieties, illegalities, even downright criminalities that it really doesn't matter who wins.

The Civil War will continue unabated after Tuesday. 

People screeching how they have been so "existentially" destroyed is the least of it. Already several enterprises considering themselves in the path of actual physical violence have taken precautions like boarding up their establishments. The Washington DC power centers have erected fencing and barricades and the authorities have held dry-run military drills to prepare for the worst.

Here's the thing to remember about the chronic November. Expressing God's love does not mean looking the other way when legions give themselves over to sodomism and socialism. Many who claim the "Christian" label are merely good loud Catholicists who applaud wounded people who do sexually immoral things or nice technocrats who unjustly take people's wealth and hand it to others. Love from the Kingdom is indeed not only appropriately calling out these things but fervently praying against them no matter how vicious the reaction.

This is why the gross misconceptions of these things DEMOCRACY and FREEDOM are merely excuses for people to keep doing evil things leading to their destruction. The wonderful antidote to that is Jesus Christ, it is not laboring to get your favored autocrat elected into office because no matter what he'll find a way to at worst enable the rank dissipation or at best simply dismiss it.

You can see much of how national elections really work by checking out Kit Knightly's comprehensive expose over at Off-Guardian. Well, sort of comprehensive, because yet again he will not get at who's ultimately making all of it happen. The piece does mention there are indeed deftly positioned people autocratically doing the dirty work here. Once again, for the 578th time...

Who are those people?

Please -- so pointless are the blapping trips It's the CIA! or It's the Zionists! or It's the Rothchilds family! (Or some other royal-lizard-bloodline thingie) or It's the Council of Blah-Blahdeets! ("Bet you never heard of them before but I've done the research!") or any of a dozen of the typical usual suspects. They're all just performance art drones getting paid handsomely to absorb all the attention, ultimately doing the ugly work of the profoundly religious forces that drive the hellscape.

I could write so much more but in some ways I already have. Much of what I write now is merely reiteration of what I've shared before, at my webzine and my blog. But I guess I should do what Jesus told us to do, be as clever for the Kingdom as they are for the System, and keep writing as much as I can reach anyone who'd come across this. I plan to. I invite you to visit my webzine, but a million times more visit Scripture. I only pray what I share honors God and His word, that's all.

With that in mind I thought I'd share this graphic, established not too long ago by a thoughtful System factualist. Really, those religious forces are so imaginative that they've taken hundreds of different permutations. It is precisely why the Jesuits have always been considered the very best shape-shifters in their sworn duty to rule the World. You'll see them there representing what this artist has placed right in the center of his Kabbalah motif. Surrounding it there are their standard obsequious tag-alongs, but don't get overwhelmed, confused, or derailed in your quest for increased understanding.

Read His words, first and foremost.

Then you can fully grasp the whole thing with "The Cult of Baal" and how much God loved you to actually, really, truly free you from this nightmarish Hell.


"But keep on the alert at all times, praying in order that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man." - Jesus, as written in 21st chapter of Luke

The first image is of the crowd at Barack Obama's inauguration from a gentleman who posted it on Flickr. Thank you. The graphic was arranged and posted by the people identified in the lower right corner of the work.



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