The 6,000-Year Stupid Run, Addendum

Just saw a post from a decent economist about how working men are vanishing. He pointed out today 1 in 7 men have pretty-much checked out and are doing nothing. Being homeless, sitting in the basement playing video games, whatever thing not engaged in a single meaningfully productive effort of any kind. In 1950 that number was 1 in 40.

I mention this because I concluded my last post with a mention of Joy Pullman's piece about the twisting around of male-female innate roles, responsibilities, duties, and just how much that has destroyed our society. This little factoid from the economist is testament to the wicked product this present ugly reality.

I pondered what I shared in my last post, just about that distressing concept generally known as stupidity, still thinking about Jesus warning against calling anyone a fool. But the fact is Scripture talks about the distinction between wisdom and folly all the time. Very required, really.

We are all so very stupid.

So yeah, not an issue. The issue, as I emphasized in my post, is whether or not we do anything about not being stupid, and that requires looking at what God says about it and following it.

System Ops have been wildly successful at seducing World Devotees into the stupidest things with this wonderful item: the variety of evil distortions of who men are as God created them and who women are as God created them. Instead of richly accepting the blessings of those God-given male-female distinctions, even fully embracing them and proudly exhibiting them, so very many have decided they want to be God and make the call of how they are going to behave. This is particularly notable among women trying to do all the things only men can do.

At the cost of belaboring the point, it is wrecking society.

It is the whole World panoply: women taking leadership roles reserved only for men, women desiring the same sexual "freedom" they see worldly men having (and often subsequently murdering their babies in the name of "reproductive health"), women mutilating their bodies because they want to be men, even men behaving like or wanting to physically become women, and any other ways all of this stupidity is metastasizing everywhere.

Of course anyone who criticizes the now-entrenched principles of "The Longhouse" is tarred as a misogynist bigoted Neanderthal who wants to go back to the institutionalized enslavement of women, and the result is what the economist mentioned in his post.

Men are checking out.

Of course everyone needs validation for what they do working at a job or raising a family, what they do in whatever they do in their natural role of producer or even leader. But any time, any time even in the most remote way a woman comes along and tells a man she can do whatever it is he does, maybe even tell him she can do it better, you are contemptibly demoralizing men. It's the truth, and any man who says "I can take it" is in denial of being foolishly emasculated and any woman who tells a man what's what about who she says he should be is part of society's collapse.

Meanwhile, it is my considered opinion that there is actually a solid majority -- of both men and women -- who know the verity of what I'm sharing here. The problem is those System Ops have commandeered the airwaves and have been wildly successful at hypnotizing a nicely Catholicized populace. I have to be careful using the word "hypnotized," because it implies the subject has no control over his or her own moral rectitude -- over his or her capacity to call on the Name of the Lord and, yes, once again...

Not be stupid.

I added this addendum simply because I just don't think it is a good thing to neglect to see the stupid and call it out so we know how much we need God and His wisdom to get out of it. Do we need to be reminded that stupid things are lethal? I had actually thought about posting some of the stupid things I see out there all the time. I make note of them often, much because I can blog about them, but again because I know I can be so susceptible myself and I so want to respond by employing the wisdom God gives.

But yeah, this whole male-female twisting-around, it has always been tremendously stupid, and maybe there'd be a critical mass of that majority who are so taken aback by its gruesome impact that they'd too be calling on the Name of the Lord for something of a restoration.

Even better

An apocalyptic revival.

One in which there are rallies for Jesus as big as those for Donald Trump.

I laugh at that, what I just wrote. I see so many posts about how huuuge (as Trump would say) his rallies are, and yeah, I can only think...

What if there was that kind of enthusiasm for Jesus? And not just in the emotional tidal wave but in actually being and bringing the Kingdom.

Abjuring the realm. Becoming ungrafted. Being that pure and free worship assembly where people pray and share Scripture and sing praises and share joyous things with one another and as such people are saved and healed and delivered and as such the place is a powerful magnet for World Devotees who do know about the stupidity and want out.

And then watch men take real deep joy going out and doing the things God gave them to do and actually getting to enjoy people appreciating them for it, as well as women doing the same for the things God gave them to do!

Praying like crazy.


The first image is a screenshot from an Arizona building organization. The second is a free stock photo from Pexels. Thank you.



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