Massive Trolling Minefield Alert! USAID stuff! Be Careful Out There!

Here I go again, right into the Trolling Minefield, stomping all over it in my bare feet. But, well, I'm committed to blogging every once in a while to continue to elucidate one of the most important Truth Rules of them all for anyone who will ask Christ to allow them to understand it:

There is a Kingdom, and there is a World System. The System is made to look like the Kingdom but it isn't, by light years, and that window dressing is exclusively by the work of the Roman Catholic Ecclesiocracy. Unrepentant evildoers hate that, but that evildoing institution must be there to crack heads of those evildoers in myriad imaginative ways -- been doing so for millennia. The Kingdom, however, where Christ is, is where the authentic freedom, deliverance, salvation, contentment, and joy resides. It is only there, and you may only get there by accepting His invitation. That's it. All other attempts are mere trespassing.

There, there's the thrust of my webzine work. Right there. I know that Truth Rule paragraph was a bit wordy, sorry. But that's it. And I believe it is Scriptural. Read about it, pull your Bible out and check it out. Anywhere there. But again, better do it while praying first, because too many people pluck things out they don't understand because the very best World Ops have told them what they are supposed to think about it. This for the purpose of keeping them in the System prison, which, really, is what they are supposed to do.

Here's a good one. Here I go being a fine trollee, responding to the rank stupidity as if it means anything, lending something of a measure of credibility to said stupid thing by drawing attention to it merely by my response however objectionable. Except that my only purpose is that maybe a few readers will see all the wickedness involved all around and then get out of that World and go to the Kingdom. That's it, period.

I actually had a pretty decent blog post lined up here, but I can't. I simply can't. I've cut and pasted all that I'd posted from this point forward, and set is aside for now. I think it is decent ministry sharing, but the trolleeing is too much, and I don't have time. I do confess I am getting to be like Tupper Saussy, who once brilliantly illuminated the real nature of the World System, but later in his life after making added note after added note after added note he found he was just repeating things that sickeningly calcified minds simply would not get. I get it, it gets really tiresome.

I was going to riff on what is really going on with the current hysteria over USAID and how much its work is fully, richly, insidiously Romanist, but since it is too much and I have to do some heavy lifting to narrow it all down to the most important facets, I'm just considering making it part of my next home page piece. It just involves a bit more laboring for what again may just be wearisome trolleeing, but I still have something of a commitment to get people to see it and then

Turn to Christ and Kingdom.

If readers are doing that, awesome, I'll get to it. If they aren't, then all I'm doing is joining them to keep plodding about in the vast Trolling Minefield and far too frequently getting limbs blown off by something Caesar planted for us all to then crawl to his magnificent infirmary for relief. It doesn't matter if you're for USAID or against USAID or screech loudly about how much it must be around or about how much it needs to end, the Minefield is still strewn with a few of your body parts.

With that in mind, I just want to make note of the screenshot posted above, one I took of a scene in a video posted on social media about how supposedly wonderful it is in El Salvador, all about the glorious ways they've figured out how to get splendid things done for the country with the help of its prison population.

Blew my mind.

It is terrific good wholesome things are being produced, things like shirts and shoes and food items, and things are getting built, like schools and hospitals and civic centers, all with the good wholesome labor of people incarcerated for... for... umm...

Thing is these once-criminally-minded people may now be turning into now-fine-upstanding people. Terrific. Maybe this rehabilitation effort is a wonderful thing, not saying anything against it.

It is just... it is just...

How many prisoners there are.

And just how many must do as prisoners what they should be doing anyway as not-prisoners.

Just SMH, that's all. A thorough and quite robust SMH right off my shoulders.

But then, this is the reason this screenshot is here.

This is the World System as the standard operating form for everybody, everywhere.

Everyone is enslaved somehow, everyone is a prisoner of some kind having given their entire propriety over the Caesar to manage -- yes, even in this wonderful United States of Americanism -- you just may not be wearing a nice yellow shirt.

But you're there. That's you there eagerly laboring for the very best Caesar demands...



The first image is merely a screenshot of the aforementioned video. As you can see the second is a clip from The Babylon Bee which yet again employs the very best satire to do the best social cure work.



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