Help for New Orleans

Looking at all the people now screaming for help in New Orleans after the devestation of Katrina, hearing about how much more George Bush could be doing, listening to only the stories on the media of people whining and complaining and groaning, I just wonder what would happen if they actually asked God for help.

No, actually asked Him for help, not demanded it or cajoled it or bargained for it. It is just that I read in the Bible about just asking and you'll be fed. He fed thousands with a few fish and bread. He said we're more valuable than some birds. He said if we asked we'd be able to move mountains. I'm just saying that's what I read in the Bible.

I actually think there are some people doing great charitable things for God there. I really think there are a lot of people doing that. I think some people are being really blessed in some way somehow there. But it seems all I hear about are those who're being shafted-- at least that's what the media tells us. I think, this is just what I think, that we're being given the story they want to give us so we'll all give more homage to Cain's agent. Think about how much you hear about how little George Bush is doing-- "Come on, get crackin' Mr. President you loser get your rear in gear and get us stuff."

Again, why don't they ask God instead of George? I truly think they'd find abundance, miraculous abundance, and all they have to do is ask-- and maybe just thank Him a little bit.


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