The Roman Catholic Church Is the Government

On the same day the press leads with the story about President Bush's latest nomination for the U.S. Supreme Court being all about religion, it is revealed that the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles allowed at least eight priests to continue their sacerdotal duties even after receiving formal complaints that they had molested children.

The media's spin will always bring about the desired result for the hyper-attentive populace of the Catholicist Nation. What is the reality verses the perception in all of this? It is so frequently laid right out there by the media, but people are so Catholicized they don't see it. Consider if you will:

Perception: A nominee for the Supreme Court should not be given a "religious" litmus test.
Reality: Religion is always a criterion for consideration of a judge. If it was revealed that the nominee was a practicing Satanist, do you think for two seconds he or she would be confirmed? Even when new Chief Justice John Roberts declared at his confirmation hearing that his own "personal beliefs" would not interfere with his conduct as a jurist, this does not mean that it doesn't. In fact, it is foolish to believe that he is "belief neutral," if you will, and yet he must play the Catholicist game like everyone else does.

Perception: The priest molestation scandal is about a few bad priests who will be duly punished.
Reality: The priest scandal is a direct result of the core practices of the church itself. Everything is about religion-- just as Bush's Supreme Court nomination is, yet we're surprised when he admits as much. It is all about religion because everyone is serving one of two masters, God or the devil. What is noteworthy about this is that the devil never looks like the devil-- how stupid would that be. In this instance the devil moves in such ways to get priests to commit horrific crimes by working diligently through the centuries forming an profoundly idolatrous institution with occultic hierarchies like the priesthood. It allows the real power-brokers to have wonderful excuses to look good by promising to fix the problem.

Perception: People who actually see the corruption in the Roman Catholic Church will be so disheartened that they will actually leave it.
Reality: To the devout Protestant that would seem to be something to cheer about, but the fact is without something like this ministry to mitigate their sin, the Catholic will flounder and it will be agony. Even if they fall back on their "Jesus," he is still a straw-man Jesus, a fantasy unable to do anything but tickle them for a moment. Others may introduce their Jesuses to the Catholic, but the Catholicist Nation has so many counterfeit Jesuses that all it amounts to is switching clubs. For some this offers a bit of stimulation in a hopeless world; for others it is so daunting that they'll stay in the idolatry, dejected, despondent, angry and hurt, but with nowhere else to go. The only place anyone may go and find true joy and freedom is in the embrace of the Jesus of Scripture.

Perception: Those responsible in the Roman Catholic Church should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Reality: The Roman Catholic Church IS the government. Do you ever notice that when they speak about the priest scandal, prosecution by the authorities is rarely ever mentioned? This is not just because the Roman Catholic Church has their own disciplinary procedures, but because it is the prosecutorial administration for all sinners. Sometimes it acts out of its ecclesiastical manifestion. The form with which we're most familiar is the federal government, or the local district attorney. They've all been duly authorized condemners since Cain was first assigned the task after he murdered Abel.

So when newly-named Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers is said to "have religion," and that this was even a defining factor in her selection, why is this news? It is because Cain is so good at making so many believe it is news, when it really isn't.

The media know the perception game is just so much more fun. If we actually knew the reality, it would be boring.

Or just too damn threatening.

Oh that they would know The One Who Truly Loves.


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