A Look at One.org

My latest take on the World is at my webzine The Catholicist Nation. I critique U2 lead singer Bono's one.org, a program he feels is going to eliminate poverty. I don't think that will exactly happen, and I write about why.

Go here to read it.


  1. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Greetings Mr. Beck,

    Thank you for presenting both your website & Web Log! This will definetly establish more understanding to your perceptions. Have you presented this to any of your other students?

    I also would like to present to you a work of Non-Dilbert literature by the author: Scott Adams. He published a book entitled: God's Debris. A synopsis is avalible at the website which is also avalible for a free download: http://www.andrewsmcmeel.com/godsdebris/

    Another synopsis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God%27s_Debris

    Thanks again.




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