Catastrophic God Club Switching

"Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life."

These words were shared by Jesus to ask John to write to the angel of the church of Smyrna in Asia Minor about particular items of concern to Him, all recorded in the book of Revelation. They come to mind in thinking about this guy in Afghanistan who is apparently on trial and could receive the death penalty merely for converting from Islam to Christianity.

I can't help but think that Romanist operatives are working in the mix here somehow. Indeed they've been working through history to set it all up, making Islam one huge god club that takes brazen flight from its ranks very seriously.

While not questioning this man's faith-- he may indeed have Jesus' name on his lips-- I'd venture to say that his conversion is simply the switching membership from one god club to another, and the affront of Islamic power brokers is so severe that they cannot sit idly by and save face. To them the very essence of their cause is on the line.

Look at the effects-- front page news, lead-story major media news coverage-- and the subsequent cry for "proper justice" from Americans who've offered their money and their lives for Afghanistan "freedom."

The flames are being stoked high in the culture war over this, and they'll most likely get higher before people realized they're being played yet again. Those knights of the militant church-- they're brilliant musicians, they really are.

Nero supposedly fiddled while Rome burned-- the Romanist powers today fiddle while Catholicists' hearts burn. It all results in the same thing: millions with rage and venom seeking some kind of soul-gratifying revolution only to run smack into Cain's seven-fold strength. Wham.

Check out some thoughts on the Culture War here. And some thoughts about the Islamic jihad are here.


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